Hi Kitty! My own technique, essential because of my 12th House Mercury, is this: I practice by talking to myself, rehearsing something that I need to tell another. Relationships erode through neglect, lack of interest, or passivity. Alkalizing the system is helpful. These people saw another Lynn that I did not know existed. Next, GHIRARDELLI CHOCOLATE PREMIUM COCOA 100% dark chocolate. Connected to what some may think of as the soul, what others may think of as the All of you. They long for something else in their life. Following is the preface to an article written in conjunction with a presentation given at The Monroe Institute: Where I live, I began walking through the streets and said Hello to everyone. Merging with the opposite. We do not agree with those who say good health is the natural way of life and that all variations on that reflect a lack in the body and spirit of a being. As Hazrat Inayat Khan once said, A worldly loss often turns into a spiritual gain.. I also have Pluto on the ascendant for the double possibility. You want a fairy tale wedding. I discussed this phenomena at a workshop in Richmond, Virginia. It's typical for Neptune on the Descendant to not acknowledge its tendency to escape commitment. In other words, the only way through was one step at a time, refusing to veer off the chosen path and ignoring any siren songs along the way. Transit Neptune Conjunct Ascendant You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. There was a bookwritten years ago, ADRENALFATIGUE, by James Wilson, MD. Then, just as I felt that my feet were firmly planted on the ground, another lesson came regarding sharing my space with others. Neptune Sextile Ascendant Transit. Your life is transformed through others. so that the wound isn't re-triggered. So many times, a long-term friendship ends. Youve written quite a bit about your Neptune at the midheaven. His recommendation is to take 2 pills when you first get up and then 2 more around 11am. Several important people in my life moved away and my beloved dentist retired. After contracting the Epstein-Barr Virus in 2004, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. NOTE: I consider the hard aspects to be the Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Parallel and Contra-Parallel. Engage yourself as a team in the process. Many who only had a tenuous grip on reality lost that grip with Neptune in Pisces. It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have Neptune on the Ascendant in my natal chart, and I am currently in the middle of a Neptune square natal Neptune / Ascendant transit. The characteristics of each partner seep into you. When is this my energy? When am I working as an Empath? If I am working as an Empath, it is energy if this feeling is not of mine, what am I to do with it. You can ask. Neptune is luckily in good aspect with Venus but a part of Yod. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Distinguishing between what is real and what is deceptive and a false illusion. Thoughtful friends, concerned with my plight, called periodically to connect with me. In the 1990s, a Bethesda, Maryland, doctor recommended a product by Enzymatic Therapy calledRAWADRENAL. I have neptune transit my 6th house, trine my pluto in 2nd, square Mars in 9th and oppose my jupiter and venus in 12th house. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. The Nature of Crisis: An Interview to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, 2019 Astrologyclub.org - All Rights Reserved. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit does not happen in the lives of most people. This interpretation of her chart helped Beth transform her perception of her situation so that she might fulfill the purpose of this transit. If a close friend asked me, What do you want this person to know?, then that is what you tell the person. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! There is a business connection in my life now that has made me feel very alienated, that I do not belong here in my home. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. This offering of our trust to the universe brings peace to our hearts, and is one of Neptunes greatest gifts. I have always read with some wonder as people complain about Saturn. Do I feel this way within myself or have I absorbed this from another?. 5HTP is the source for this. There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. Acceptance is, instead, honoring that you are part of many things and many aspects of living and that the conscious mind and the conscious self often can only see a certain view at a certain time. After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. The eclipse falls on my descendant, also conjunct natal virgo sun and mercury. A young girl came for a reading and I commented that Neptune crossing her Venus was favorable for cosmetic surgery to change her energies. What about Neptune on the Descendant? You may be more imaginative, dreamy, and vulnerable, and need to protect yourself so you don't become a victim to someone playing with you. As I get older, I just seem to suffer from the problems of old age absent-mindedness, confusion and disorientation. Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. My condition, however, was just the opposite. This could actually work in your favor depending on . I had a client with Capricorn rising. Having a partner whose standing in the relationship is never truly recognized by society or your family. Pisces is on my 7th house cusp so this whole thread applies to my personality. At first, it was simply a lonely, empty feeling. This aspect can indicate unconditional love and inspiring your partner, however, it can also indicate that the Juno person has illusions about the Neptune person. And thank you for clarifying. Transducing -stepping down the energy. Each of you must be very conscious now of focusing on when you need to be open, when it is time to be closed. I asked her to meditate on how her own suffering could awaken in her boundless compassion for all beings. i will have TNeptune coming up to my DSC on let me see, Feb20,2029 i have a ways to go Maybe my business at that time will be so well developed that i will be able to impact the world a lot positively as an astrologer. Sign up here! Whenever you see anyone down, you'll help them up. Slowly, with each trip to Europe, I transformed into the Lynn that they saw a crazy lady, an adventuress with luggage from hell in tow, that just hopped on a plane and made friends everywhere. Neptune on the IC (i) The first was written in July 1970, six months after the start of Neptune transiting the IC. I worried about losing friendships but this did not happen. My trip to Europe in November 1996 was very different from my previous trips. Sometimes, people with the Mercury conjunct Chiron aspect work with their hands, avoid socializing, etc. You need to make your own chart here. One person worshiping, the other being worshiped. Friends came to my rescue at a time when I felt in crisis. Otherwise, your close relationships could become a source of confusion and disappointment. I always felt that I could be abandoned by school mates at any moment. When I returned home, I was alone. THE CRISIS OF DISCONNECTEDNESS AND THE TRANSIT OF NEPTUNE IN THE PERSONAL HOROSCOPE, PART I, by Lynn Koiner written while Neptune was in Capricorn A Life Story. Sleeping Beauty. This is something I thought only other people had this has never happened to me before. I. The Neptune transit brought their vulnerability to a crisis point whereby they started to protect themselves. Delusional relationships. Yet people with Neptune in the 12th have a strong connection with other dimensions which make them afraid. I have a 13 degree Pisces (reportedly always ill fated) on my 7th and experience bizarre, (co) dependent and criminal situations with people. Failing to acknowledge people in your life who are contenders for a real relationship. He married the new woman and now shes the best thing since sliced bread. First, Neptune in Pisces is hitting the planets in Mutable signs. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. If it does happen it occurs shortly after birth. I am currently in a very wonderful 8 year long relationship, and all my previous ones ended pretty nicely, timely l think. In my chart, my Progressed Jupiter trined my Moon for a 4-year period. It follows certain internal laws; responds to external laws, but what is so wonderful about it and indeed is wonderful about the whole nature of your physical body and physical world is its extreme responsiveness and ability to change, its ability to comprehend and understand, to learn. Yet it is not that you are in lack. The Empath those who have at the core of their nature the innate ability to receive energy, information, awareness from others. It seemed more social. We, Orion, invite you to explore with us another view, some new ideas on that wonderful element within you, the Immune System. In a few minutes, all symptoms are gone. Required fields are marked *. These people need more light and sun and yoga assists them in strengthening the etheric body. It was the best thing that ever happened. Neptune is currently transiting my 10th and strangely the more I let go, the better it gets! He had an affair divorced me and said I wasnt the person he married that I changed. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. We visited the Hotel Orient which has a special reputation for afternoon liaisons. ATTENTION: It has been observed by ConsumerLab.com that many dark chocolates are high in the heavy metal, Cadmium. While the feeling was similar to the 60s energy (although not simplistically polarized), it was UNITY that crossed over boundaries. Next thing you know, the saint becomes a rotten bastard that tricked you. Tried too loose it and actually succeeded but it came back quickly. She was quite sad. It may be that the outcome seems as if ones body is working against you. When it is disturbed or thrown into motion like the sea, it can create peaks and valleys. That this was her task and her path to awakeningto be unconditional love (Venus-Neptune). Everything happens for a reason. The Neptunian relationships that you attract seem to fill some inner need, some inner emptiness, a need for excitement and glamour in ones life. 1512), Nowhere else could Beth find this type of understanding except through astrology. All of my friends are the result of a common interest in astrology. I know. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. And I have that transit aspect right now, ASc is 11 degree Virgo, but have Neptune trine Asc natal, if that can make this transit maybe easier. And Pluto is transiting my 7th house in Capricorn. While I feel very much loved in Germany, I am family in Prague. Platonic love. Susan was concerned because during the time of this Neptune transit she had totally lost all sexual desire for her husband, and could not understand why. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. You have a relationship with your television. Your best friend is in a wheelchair. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. Theres always more fish in the sea. Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep plugging. She began to laugh and said, Im feeling strangely ecstatic, which I found hard to understand since I feel like Im supposed to be feeling miserable and torn up about this relationship. The words I spoke came forth from me quite spontaneously as I meditated upon her chart symbolism. You dont have to let your partners distort your self-image. Space Ghost. Astrid had parties with many friends coming to visit us. At age 50 your first paragraph is spot on. If a close relationship deteriorates now, you may feel that you dont understand why its ending. The transit of Neptune Conjunct your Ascendant will alter your relationships and change the way you identify yourself with society, friends and your partner. You're extremely sensitized to your surroundings. I take Blackberry and Madia to help me to focus mentally while under the Neptune transit. You can consider this talk an addition to all that you may come to know about the Immune System and health. are places and times ruled by Neptune. While it seemed like a lifetime, all of this took place during a 3-week period. Low normal is not normal! But eventually the veil drops and all hell breaks loose. The transit sounds terrible!! I also read in a medical journal many years ago that it was discovered that heavy meditators had depleted adrenals and they did not understand why. This transit tends to attract psychic vampires, thieves and an assortment of other scoundrels. Is this energy to be translated? In a job, you may take one set of information and make a translation for another group. Now again kind of a setback. Effector or Affected, continued. Ghost girl. Jim Morrison is your best friend. I feel what other people feels I became a radar Yoga helps I got a yoga certification and directing session helps me a big deal My son moved back home this time with his girlfriend (who has the south node on my moon) the dynamic feels confusing I know there is a lot that IM learning and growing from- but I can not see it yet what do I need to release ? But, I was tired of doing it alone. Always check with your doctor to make sure that it is nothing serious but, if not, it is just the Neptune transit. In The Astrology of Transformation (1980), Rudhyar wrote: In transpersonal living, an individual should not be concerned with success and especially with what from the socio-cultural point of view would be called a constructive achievement. More so than rulerships, it will be fixed star conjunctions and other aspects to your Descendant that will alter the manifestations. When I picture health, when I picture change of a symptom and it does not come, what else is at work? Perhaps you can help the Immune System speak by asking the questions more specifically. Simultaneously transiting Pluto was conjunct natal Neptune in the 11th house. My Adrenal of choice is by Nutri-Meds. Please note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website and the services we offer. The fantasy of love. I was the best thing since sliced bread. I knew that I had outgrown this magazine. The family was so excited that I was doing this. Careful of drugs and alcohol, this is a highly addictive aspect and that extends into the co dependent relationships, the drama and the games. A powerful support for me has been the Bach and FES Flowers essences. I used to say that she would rather tell people that I had run off to join a Hippie Commune than becoming an astrologer. Brainstorm: Neptune/Pluto Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Neptune and Pluto. So maybe it is because of Neptunes retrograde motion. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. It gave me a purpose for being on this planet because I needed to feel useful (Virgo). Jane wonders if this type of diffused relating is not transitional because she does want an eventual partnering. programmes in finance. But you should not expect too much from others now. Thank you for writing this extensive article! A widow or widower. . 3 People with weight problems often had an intrusive parent who did not respect the childs need for privacy, the childs boundaries a mother who interferes freely into the childs life, reads diaries, listens to telephone conversations, excessive checking up on child or making decisions for child; a father who is too physically intrusive, unnecessary displays of improper affection. We sat together for a while speaking softly and looking around at all the people at the fair with unconditional love. or getting creature with structure and discipline. here is what astrodienst says about the transit ( obviously not natal, but just in case you are curious ) At this time your close, intimate relationships will be difficult and confused. The last thing he needs to worry about right now is if employees are there, doing their job, taking care of clients, etc. I can testify that all you have said, Elsa, is 100% correct. I do not know who Kitty is but I am the one who answers all. He gave us a special seat in the front, he had a bottle of German champaign sent to our table, he told the audience how I come very year to hear him sing, he sang my favorite songs and, most important, he made us feel special and connected. Elisabeth. The partners problems continually erode your foundation. Under Neptune, it is making me sad. According to my friend, Astrid, Bach works on the physical body and FES works on the emotions. You do not initiate but you react. It has set a standard in my relationships by which I can never settle for less. I dont think you can or should avoid it though but you should use some common sense and probably be rather suspicious too of others intentions. What did this disconnectedness feel like? A Neptune or Pluto transit over the angles is much rarer, and correspondingly deeper and more far-reaching. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. You can learn why you explore certain times of tiredness or energy in your day. If I lost my focus, I could have a nervous breakdown in a heartbeat. She was in love with a man who lives across the country and is married. The modus is subtle, disarming and theatrical. Its the idea of love rather than love itself. It all goes swimmingly for awhile. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Being totally honest and straightforward in all your dealings will lower the risk of being deceived or taken advantage of. Neptune is actually transiting my midheaven. Eating or any compulsive behavior is a means of filling the emptiness produced by the disconnection. In another situation, I had totally misjudged anothers character yet this person had clearly stated her values at the beginning of my Neptune transit. So, its like Im sacrificing my own needs so as not to hurt someone elseAs Im typing this out it sounds absolutely ridiculous, even to me, that I would sacrifice myself for a relationship Im ultimately not that into, and yet here I am, still in it two years after I realised I wasnt really that into this person. T Neptune does make you more open and receptive to absorbing the energies outside of yourself. I thought that this would be the end of our group. I appreciate it. Cinderella. In various situations, I felt either excluded or abandoned. Because of the heightened sensitivity produced by this planet, the body often holds on to extra weight as a buffer and a protection which the individual actually needs. Further, the difficulty and challenge for the Empath, is that most Empaths are not aware of the intensity or fullness or their receptive nature until certain things happen that interfere with and often endanger the present self. Empaths can change the energy; helping others to let go of one feeling and allowing in another transmutation.

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