Charlotte says that its Jaspers story and shes not in charge after Henry complains about her screaming. Charlotte asked herself where Henry was when she got out the bathroom. In the Man Cave, she grabs Henry's wrist and slaps him twice with his own hand. They argue a bit about letting Piper drive them to work, because Charlotte doesnt like the idea and Henry doesnt see why. Charlotte doesnt like it when Henry calls her bro. Henry confided in Charlotte about being Kid Danger. Charlotte was happy and clapping for Henry when he got his power. Henry and Ray had been fighting crimes everyday for 6 years along with other danger gang- Jasper, Schwoz, and Piper. During the day at school I get random ideas of a Henry danger b Henry has anger issues, when he meets his new roommate he realises she is what keeps him sane. Charlotte and Henry were playing video games together. When Charlotte becomes a zombie, Henry looks her up and down. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. Henry was likely the one on the phone with Charlotte in the third flashback as they are known to be the ones most frequently in contact with each other by phone. Henry said sorry when Charlotte told him not to shush her. List of Hero/Villain References in Henry Danger. Charlotte immediately called for Henry after Bork lifted her up and swung her back and forth. But when he became conscious again, before looking at Ray who is at his feet, he looks at Charlotte and says, Wow.. He and Ray helped her walk over to the couch. After Henry gets hit by a cannon at point blank range he is temporarily unconscious. Charlotte wishes him good luck as he leaves. When Henry tells Charlotte to leave the blown up man cave, Charlotte refuses and says "I am not leaving you! Henry is very most likely the only one who knows Charlottes last name. Henry asked Charlotte why she always has to say no. If you ship Jaele or Chenry you may continue reading. Henry grins at Charlotte when Ray agrees to go on Rumblr. Once again, Henry tells her about his girl problems and she provides a solution. Henry questions why Ray is insisting on ignoring Charlotte throughout the episode. Charlotte was hesitantto tell Henry about Debbie's birthday party. When Charlotte tells Henry she got in for the second time, he says he is proud of her and hugs her. Henry glanced at Charlotte a lot when she wasn't really paying attention. Henry complains to Charlotte that he nearly beat her in the game. Henry teaches Charlotte how to fold napkins, Even though she thinks its dumb, Charlotte helps Henry (and Jasper) fold napkins for the needy and gets annoyed when Ray knocks them down, Henry calls Charlotte, stressed over the wall having been destroyed and she explains what their plan to fix things is, Henry says hell see Charlotte soon but she lets him know she might be awhile because shes painting the mural, Henry stays on the phone with Charlotte while Piper runs over and talks to him. Charlotte and Henry fist bump when they find out that they still have a chance to win the massage chair. Henry teases Charlotte back by saying She can have mine (meaning his tiny cape). Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: abandoned mansion with everything inside Beitrags-Kommentare: michelle snow foundation michelle snow foundation Charlotte breaks an object over his head just for fun. She was beautiful and smart and talented. Henry's go-to person is Charlotte whenever he has a problem, he calls her first. It's also on my fan fiction account. Charlotte follows Jasper and Henry into the closet. He tried to akd her if she wanted to get some ice cream. When Ray said that Charlotte called Blake "super handsome", Henry looked annoyed and possibly jealous. Charlotte said she wants to be on Henry's team and they both fist-bumped. Henry Hart is not a normal kid. Charlotte begins teasing Henry about a girl named Amy in science class. Charlotte playfully smacked Henry's tummy and called him chubby. During the second day of the curse, Henry is very cranky and frustrated but when Charlotte sings, he finally smiles. Charlotte is the only one watching Schwoz on the phone, probably because she knows that hes talking to Henry. When everyone begins to fight in the non-crime fighters room, Henry and Charlotte fight with each other and appear to be ignoring the others. Charlotte looks surprised when Bianca doesn't want to kiss Kid Danger. Once Ray leaves to take the emergency call regarding the cats at the end of. Henry pointed at Charlotte and smiled after he tackled the Phone Shark. If you look closely during scenes in Charlottes room, you can see a photo of Henry and Charlotte from. Henry puts his arm around Charlotte and tells her that it isn't her invention. He needs her. Henry sits beside Charlotte on the desk and puts his hand on her chair. Henry (and Jasper) help Charlotte out of the trash bin. Charlotte yells at Henry to be careful when he almost falls in the portal. Now, after unintentionally reuniting, they fight to repair the damage done to their lives and each other. After they dream about kissing one another there are many similarities. Henry told Charlotte to check his costume. Henry notices that Charlotte is eating Rays salad. Henry called Ray and Schwoz to help him get Charlotte out of the vacuum. Charlotte insists that Henry does, in fact, get scared and joins Jasper and Ray in mocking the high-pitched sound that Henry makes when something startles him. When Henry is fighting with Tiffany, Charlotte tells him to be careful and almost said his name. When Ray suggested they pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, they both exclaimed, Ew!, After hearing each other say ew at the thought of dating the other, they both said, Hey!. Charlotte tries to stop Henry from breaking laws. They were talking about a plan to get Mitch to admit that he framed Jasper. When Henry told Jasper that he couldn't give away Blue Frittles and he asked "Why? As of the final episode, Henry and Charlotte (along with Jasper) fight crime together. They were both disgusted by the Nostrilator. When Ray said he wants them to eat pumpkin guts, Charlotte. At the beginning of the episode, Henry and Charlotte study together. Charlotte walked over to Henry's side of the couch and sat where he was sitting. Henry and Charlotte agree to look for Ray. Henry nervously rants when Charlotte accuses him of starting the helicopterand his rant ends with I didn't mean to, Im sorry. Henry said "Yes, I promised" when she told him not to tell her to calm down. Henry says that Charlotte making another package is incredibly helpful. Henry was tried to backtrack and to defend Charlotte by saying she wasnt in love with Jasper. Henry grabs Charlotte's shoulders and leads her to the door, then lightly pushes her out after they bicker for a moment. Little they know that the villain was a girl that Henry have finally started to feel in love with. Henry offered to show her how the tube works. Henry allows Charlotte to give him a lecture about being too cocky and afterward he agrees with her. Henry begs Charlotte to take his hand so he can get her out of the lion exhibit and even offers to look away since she is uncomfortable. Charlotte somehow understood Henry's message immediately. When Henry tells Ray and Charlotte to go to the closet, he pats her back as she enters inside. At the ceremony, Charlotte is talking to a group of friends but Henry pulls her away again so he can complain about Bianca. Charlotte struggles to tell Henry that he can't graduate. Henry was cheering her name and clapping for her the whole time. guildford parking zone map; ginastera estancia program notes; boiler drum level compensation formula Charlotte tells Ray to not shoot Henry with the laser gun he was holding. When they both got back to their universe, they looked at each other in relief. Charlotte looked embarrassed when Henry called her sweater 'disgusting'. Therefore, he may have let her win. Charlotte interrupts Ray and Henry's call to say hi to Henry and Henry comments on the fact that she's already at work, Charlotte is shocked that Ray thinks Henry would lie about being sick, Charlotte tells Ray and Schwoz that they can't spy on Henry because it's wrong and an invasion of his privacy, Charlotte spends the entire episode trying to warn Henry that Ray and Schwoz are spying on him, Charlotte calls Henry very responsible right before Ray mutes her, Charlotte tricks Schwoz into letting her out so that she can call Henry and tell him that Jasper would be wearing a wire. Charlotte is glancing at Henry every once and awhile while he has his meltdown in the Man Cave. Charlotte starts to explain to Henry why she likes eating healthy food even though she knows Henry needs to go. Henry was eager to give Charlotte a hint on her birthday present. The kills don't feel as good as they used to with Charlotte gone. Charlotte and Henry look through criminals' records. Later in the episode, Schowz calls Henry Charlotte'sboyfriend. Charlotte told Henry that he has to fight Drex. They stood close together when watching the Police Pursuit. She is spending all her time doing research in the Charlotte and Henrys lives are changed forever after an unforgettable night alters their view on each other. Charlotte starts to take it but misses and instead gets herself up at which point Henry starts making a get up motion with the hand he had extended to help her. When Henry laughs and starts to breathes fire after Charlotte tickles his foot, she begins to scream. Charlotte pulled aside Henry and asked him what was going on. Henry asks Charlotte to delete the video from the Cloud. Charlotte screamed for Schwoz to find Henry. In. Henry is excited that Charlotte (and Jasper) get to go on the mission with him and Ray, Henry happily announces that Charlotte is here and then asks her what she has, Henry and Charlotte bicker about the taste of the gum, Henry stares at Charlotte when she finds a way to make her outfit fit in at the party, Henry gets a little upset that Charlotte (and Jasper) dont appear to be paying any attention to him because she is too focused on the presents at the party, Henry appears to be more focused on getting Charlottes attention than Jaspers when the two of them are ignoring him at the table, Charlotte tells Henry that Ray is probably fine because he is indestructible in an effort to make Henry stop worrying, Henry agrees with Charlotte when she says that Ray is probably fine, Charlotte starts to pay attention to Henrys problem and asks him if he saw where they took Ray, Charlotte creates a distraction for Henry, Henry says ouu and is clearly impressed when Charlotte distracts the guard for him, Joss complains to Henry that someone stole her Gherkin, Henry knows it was Charlotte (and Jasper) but he doesnt seem to mind. This will help declutter some of the comments on pages. Charlotte told/motioned to him to get closer to tell him never to ask her again, "And then what?". When Charlotte asks if Henry thinks she doesnt help fight crime, Henry puts his hand on her shoulder and reluctantly says, of course, she helps but he and Ray got torched today. Because of their position, Jasper thinks that they're. Two people who loved Henry Hart stand alone in the moments after his death. Henry and Charlotte told Schwoz to stop blowing the air horn. Henry took Charlotte's can of Frittles chips. It was most likely Henry who texts Charlotte that they are on their way back. Charlotte shows concern for the side effect Henry has. Henry asks Charlotte how her student council meeting went. That, being the fact that not only was he devoted to being Asilos fulltime superhero, but he was also tied down to its biggest threat. At Henry's home, Henry and Charlotte were always staring at each other when something happened with Piper. After Charlotte leaves, Ray says, Were gonna help her and Henry scoffs and responds, Yeah, were gonna help her!, Charlotte pushes Henry (and Ray) to the other side of the hallway so that they can talk, When Charlotte asks why Ray and Henry came to the school as Captain Man and Kid Danger, Henry responds, To help you!. After Ray says Do you love it?, Charlotte teases Henry by saying that she is currently loving it because she was enjoying seeing Rays cape getting blown in Henrys face. Charlotte askes Henry not to kill the bird, but when she is not looking, Henry grabs the gun and runs to the other room. Charlotte knows that Henry usually doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom. Henry said Schwoz should take the blame for turning the invention. Henry tells Charlotte good luck on her interview because he thinks she gets in. She is initially opposed to doing so but gives in when he insists. When Charlotte iswith Piper they both wish they were with Henry. Henry and Jasper both agree that Super Charlotte freaks them both out. Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back as the run to the elevator the second time. After a new year's party at the Willard Mansion, Bose and Mika have a moment together, * It's very important to read the first book before this one. She asks Henry where he was the day before, expressing concern. It's A Bet', a henry danger fanfic | FanFiction "You need two people for the job, Ray." Henry stood next to her, their bodies slightly bumping together. They were sitting close to each other on the couch in the Man Cave. Henry and Charlotte were laughing at Jasper getting the egg exploded on his face. When Henry is in the Densitizer, Charlotte nudges Schwoz to turn it off. Charlotte tricks Henry (and Jasper) into thinking something cool is behind the massage chair in order to get her chance to sit in it. Even though Henry rarely gets hurt, Charlotte often worries about him and is always warning him to be careful. Henry laughs when Charlotte shoots Schwozs butt, Henry sits on the desk beside Charlotte with his hand on the back of her chair, leaning towards her, Charlotte (and Jasper) help Henry sneak out of class.

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