Around this time, sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies - granddaughters of Welsh industrialist David Davies and owners of Gregynog, a country estate in the county of . This is a move away from the current system where judgements are made on the overall attainment of a learner in a subject at a specific age through the allocation of a level on a best fit basis. Equally, continuity of learning to support progression for learners is crucial at this stage in a learners journey. Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. These will help learners, teachers, parents and carers to understand if appropriate progress is being made. For those providing EOTAS education, including PRUs, the, the CAMAU i'r Dyfodol project, a national research project designed to build capacity in understanding and developing progression from 3 to 16 across the curriculum in schools across Wales, primary schools should engage with leaders of funded non-maintained nursery settings, primary and secondary schools should engage with each other, primary and secondary schools should engage with leaders of PRUs, how future progression needs can be supported at home. . been dismissed. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. plenty of opportunity to think like a scientist, but now the curriculum design process is explicit and KS3 - sorry, Progression step 4 - has a vital role in the development of pupils for the . We use Assessment must be an ongoing process that is embedded within day-to-day planning and practice as it is fundamental to the learning process. Our new Welsh Progression Steps Frameworks are now available. Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Legislation Sets out the 27 statements of what matters across the 6 areas of learning and experience. Focus on how to take the pedagogy of the Foundation Phase into Key Stage 2, and begin to use new terminology for the phases; PS1, PS2, and PS3. We also recommend that PRUs build on any existing structures that may already be in place with schools, PRUs or other EOTAS to engage in discussions regarding progression. It publishes the expert input, supporting materials, and outputs of these conversations on the. with practitioners in other schools beyond their cluster(s) to help ensure equity across the education system. This focuses on understanding what it means to make progress in a given area or discipline as learners increase the depth, breadth and sophistication of their knowledge and understanding, skills and capacities, and attributes and dispositions. This should be achieved through: The role of the practitioner is to plan for and provide effective learning experiences that are appropriate to the age and development of each individual learner. The other steps are: Plan - Create plans that bring together elements from across all six areas of the curriculum as well as the cross-curricula skills frameworks. Learner progression along a continuum of learning from ages 3 to 16 is central to Curriculum for Wales. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Published: 28/02/2023, 10:00am. More information on each of these main participants is detailed below. Head teachers and governing bodies of secondary schools and their feeder primary schools must work together to plan to support learner progression, with a focus on effective communication between practitioners, learners and their parents and carers. It is integral to learning and teaching and it requires effective partnerships among all those involved, including the learner. Principles of progression Mandatory In the Mathematics and Numeracy Area the model of progression is based on the development of five interdependent proficiencies, outlined below. While the provision of personalised assessment reports to parents and carers is a statutory requirement, this is only a small element of what may be provided and should be considered in the context of the wider communication and engagement process with parents and carers. This should take into account their developmental stage and any barriers to learning, ensuring that each learner is able to demonstrate progress in line with their individual ability. Personal statements will not be changing for 2024 entry. Assessment should also enable practitioners and leaders within the schools, and, where appropriate, in settings, to understand to what extent and in what ways different groups of learners are making appropriate progress. This enables them to learn from each other in a supportive environment. The role of leaders is to establish a strong learning culture that supports and challenges practitioners to enable learners to make appropriate progress. For ease, links to the relevant sections of this guidance will be provided in the Welsh Ministers assessment arrangements guidance for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Governing bodies have a responsibility to support the head teacher and to provide appropriate challenge across the breadth of the schools activities. To reflect the importance of these discussions between practitioners, the leaders of all schools and settings in Wales are required to put arrangements in place to enable them to participate in professional dialogue for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression. Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. coherence Curriculum for Wales provides schools and settings with flexibility within a national framework. The national approach to professional learning (NAPL), Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: Overview, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: teachers prompt sheet, Preparing learners for a new Curriculum: guidance for governors, Successful futures: report on responses to the great debate, Cwricwlwm Cymreig review group: final report, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: interim report, Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) pilot in schools: final report, The Curriculum Requirements (Amendment of paragraph 7(5) of Schedule 17 to the Coronavirus Act 2020) (Wales) Regulations 2020, Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: government response, Notice to disapply curriculum requirements, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: final report, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: impact assessments, Mandatory status of English in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: summary of responses, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act: explanatory memorandum, Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code, Modification of Curriculum Requirements in Wales Notice 2021, Curriculum for Wales: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Code, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (BAME), Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group, Audit Wales report on the new Curriculum for Wales: government response, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: vision statement, Annual report on implementation of the recommendations from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group report, Direction relating to developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression. These should include established cluster working but also school networks, relationships with relevant funded non-maintained nursery settings, PRUs and EOTAS providers. UPDATED Curriculum for Wales 2022 Progression Steps 1-3 (All AoLEs) Subject: Welsh Age range: 5-7 Resource type: Other 0 reviews UPDATE: Now includes LNF and DCF Steps 1, 2 and 3. The following must have regard to the guidance when making arrangements for assessing children and pupils: Assessment is a fundamental part of Curriculum for Wales and is integral to the process of learning. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group. Each school will choose specific means to implement practice that identifies and addresses any needs of individual learners for additional challenge or support. As such, practitioners should assess all learners across the 3 to 16 continuum based on the progression articulated in their school or settings curriculum and in their planned learning intentions. Twinkl Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Health and Wellbeing Health, Safety and Child Protection. Progression Step 1 Nursery to Reception. This should be in an accessible manner which both maximises parents and carers engagement and understanding. Developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression means that practitioners, collectively within their school or setting and with other schools and settings together explore, discuss and understand: A shared understanding of progression therefore is integral to curriculum design and improving learning and teaching and is essential to support every learner to progress. A summary of how professional learning is changing to meet the needs of the new curriculum. Draft assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings were made available in summer 2022. Secondary schools are also encouraged to engage with leaders of post-16 settings, for example, further education institutions. Progression in learning is a process of developing and improving in skills, knowledge and understanding over time. HWB.GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments. We've saved some files called cookies on your device. It will be the schools responsibility, however, to approach the setting to put these arrangements in place. Assessment should support practitioners in identifying the progress being made by an individual learner, and recording this, where appropriate, to understand the learners journey over different periods of time and in a variety of ways. The interim report focuses on learning resources. The new assessment arrangements will need to ensure that learners make progress at an appropriate pace along that continuum. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. This should be achieved by embedding assessment into day-to-day practice in a way that engages the learner and makes it indistinguishable from learning. Recommendations on the teaching of themes related to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and experiences within the curriculum. This article provides an overview of education in Wales from early childhood to university and adult skills.Largely state funded and free-at-the-point-of-use at a primary and secondary level, education is compulsory for children in Wales aged five to sixteen years old. Consideration should also be given to other people who are important for a learner, such as their advocate or social worker. This is your chance to get to know the new curriculum and make your contribution. Schools can use our assessment frameworks to help prepared for the new Curriculum for Wales 2022. Progression Steps and how they complement each other. These progression steps are set out as a series of achievement outcomes, which are broad expectations of learning over two to three-year periods. VENDRE! Mount Stuart Primary is currently working towards the new Curriculum for Wales which will come into effect from September 2022. Discussions between schools and settings beyond the cluster helps support coherence across the education system, supporting equity in the provision for learners. Consideration should also be given to any curriculum and assessment planning that takes place across the cluster. More From Twinkl . Curriculum for Wales (2022-present) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Curriculum for Wales is the curriculum which will be taught at all levels of state-funded education in Wales to pupils aged three to sixteen years by 2026. Head teachers should ensure that learners are provided with opportunities to contribute to the communication process. The new curriculum will be introduced in all publicly funded nursery settings and primary schools this September. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is They also have a role in establishing processes which support the engagement and involvement of EOTAS settings with primary and secondary schools or PRUs with whom they have relationships due to the movement of learners between them. Practitioners should provide opportunities for learners to undertake peer assessment and self-assessment, supporting them to develop these skills in a way which is appropriate to the developmental stage of each learner. As part of the learning process, practitioners and learners should develop an understanding of how each learner learns and what their attitudes and approaches to learning are, in order to support their continuing progress and to foster commitment to their learning. This should be achieved through: The role of the learner is to participate in and contribute to the learning process in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development. The focus of discussions regarding progression will naturally evolve over time as schools and settings move through the phases of curriculum design into first teaching and then ongoing review and improvement. As they do so, they will make links across their learning and apply this in new and challenging contexts. Presentation on Curriculum for Wales by Mrs Aziz & Miss Whitehead, Mount Stuart Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), All website content copyright Mount Stuart Primary. An 'alertDismissed' token is used to prevent certain alerts from re-appearing if they have These can be considered as both longitudinal and cross-sectional. From 31 January 2023, the Curriculum for Wales framework guidance has been updated. The four purposes are that all children and young people will be: Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. to improve the website performance by capturing information such as browser and device UPDATE: Now each table includes a column on the right for your own tracking information. These are only suggestions to support the planning process: This professional dialogue should inform self-evaluation, by supporting an understanding of where schools may want to improve their curriculum. Information that flows from assessing learner progress should be used to identify strengths and areas for improvement in both the curriculum and daily practice, including consideration of how the needs of learners as individuals have been met. These decisions should be guided by: In developing arrangements to enable professional dialogue between practitioners for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression, we recommend that leaders begin by considering what relationships and structures are already in place within and across their schools/settings which can evolve, be adapted or improved. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, The curriculum specified what subjects should be taught and what standard children were expected to reach by different ages. Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Legislation Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Sets out the 27 statements of what matters across the 6 areas of learning and experience. Underpinned by the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales, this book empowers pupils with the knowledge and Progression and the Curriculum for Wales 2022 'Successful Futures' recommended a change from the current phases and key stages to a continuum of learning from 3 - 16 years old.

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