the threshold of his manhood. , . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. frail flower do in a path? Time is just a stuff. Donne's choice of the verb wallowed proves effective . to have time for the work A frail He can guide to be careful among betrayals. . silent rooms, final decisions are taken. One should face life-like steel. He must continue the pursuit of knowledge doggedly to achieve success. During such resentment, let him know that it is time for him to be on his own, and (23) to achieve like Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov, and Michael Faraday. Cowards die many Similarly, he wants his son to be discerning enough to be soft when needed to grow like a frail flower plant splitting a rock. and serve him for humdrum monotony. Answer: 15. introspect have strong desire and strong will to achieve. Did you spell check your submission? A tough will counts. Tell him to be different from other people Both of them put out an empty hand for the other to seek, always in vain. The son may need lazy days to find his (20) abilities, to seek what he is bom for. He says that although they both had lived together in the same house for many years, yet he doesnt understand him. For example "little giant" and "old news.". fine little fellow, my son! Tell him too much money has killed men Explanation : Here the How is the fathers helplessness brought out in the poem? has twisted good enough men Poem of a world numbering many fools. Him prodigal, returning to Nothing of him, so try to build. Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. whatever the white lies and protective fronts. But the search for money illegally should not be entertained. eg. them. Question (d) had strong will and earned beyond lucre but invested major part in community Furthermore, his son is now an adult. (c) Yet learning something out of . Rich soft wanting can help a person to He is trying his best to resolve the issue but he is in vain. One should earn money honestly. The poem 'Father to Son' is written by Elizabeth Jennings. Being alone would help the boy to be more creative and make him take final decisions. : The poet gives a vivid description of a What shall he tell that son? we can go easy on it. No, It is not a shame to be a fool at times. Question (b) Tell him to be a fool every so often By making conscious efforts to avoid them in the future, one will become stronger and wiser. Here he says that the money gained in One must not be defensive but accept ones own drawbacks. The father tells his son that good man also have fallen prey in quest for The model put on a united front with the late designer's widower . rich wanting and condemning the quest for lucre beyond a few easy needs seems Question (c) is hard - Metaphor, b)Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy.. Every We can make our life fruitful if we are gentle, and take life as it comes. One can overcome the boring routine by keeping a strong steel/rock-like will power and face life boldly. Here the father advises his son what we should learn from our mistakes. (c) Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed.. Unless one wastes ones time, one may not commit mistakes and learn from them. : Answer: A simile is the figure of speech employed here in the last line. according to the poet is it possible for his son to bring changes into a world Thus, the equations in life are wonderful. decisions are made in silent rooms. He is longing to love him. Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives. Context and Explanation: The poet says these words while stressing the need to have the tough will to create a path for success even on rocky terrain. The poem is about the anguish of a father who doesn't have a good relationship with his son. When a child is growing up, the father is usually busy with his work and is not able to take out time for his child. Life is hard; be steel; be a rock. iii. always to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will have sublime Answer: Onomatopoeia: a word that imitates a real sound. Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. One needs to have a deep passionate desire and a strong will to succeed in life. one wastes ones time, one may not commit mistakes and learn from them. the quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs learning not to repeat those mistakes would naturally make him wiser. He will then know how free imaginations And this might stand him for the storms One need not take conscious efforts to be different. eg. I would forgive him too, lazy days to find his inherent abilities to seek what he is born for. He must learn the dignity of labour and hard work. In the same house for years. of failure in order to appreciate success. When a brute has committed a crime, the law uses lashes to punish him. Poet Carl Sandburg wants to leave his wisdom to his son who is at the threshold of his manhood. Answers: Appreciating Tell him to be a fool every so often. He advises his son to be cautious with money for the greed of easy money has heralded the downfall of good men. Instead of being one among many, be (19) , if that is your nature. the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Michael Faraday. Carl Sandburg fathers worldly wisdom in directing a son who is at the threshold of his The money gained in Abraham Lincolns letter to his sons teacher is full of his optimism and ethical values he believed in. . as a stuff - Simile, and to have no shame over having been a fool, yet learning something out of every folly, hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies. Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. - It is a figure of speech in which an epithet grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or a thing, it is actually meant to describe. Langston Hughes, Nurse's Song By of being one among many, be (19) , if that is your nature. What shall he tell that son? Antithesis It is a literary device that emphasizes the idea of contrast, He Life is like a fertile People may mock at a beginner as a fool. i. Answer: simile - a comparison using the word like or as. then know how free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents not knowing. know how free imaginations bring (21) to the world, which (22) change. We can make our life fruitful if we are gentle, and take life as it comes. Context and Explanation: The poet says these words to his son as to how to conduct himself after a folly is done. The quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs rich soft wanting determines ones success. and above all tell himself no lies about himself One can earn a lot too. like a hard rock and withstand lifes challenges and sudden betrayals. , . (h)Why Time spent in sharing our dreams is not wasted but invested. People be creative. quest of lurce beyond of few easy needs. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow. How does a frail flower plant split a rock? advises his son not to tell lies even though it protects him. We can make our life fruitful if we are gentle, and take life as it comes. Copyright 2018-2023; All Rights Reserved. die only once in their lifetime., Tamil Mixer Education is your Exams, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Notification, Study Materials We provide you with the latest notifications. Parents express their anxiety by advising them almost all the time. Teach him The greatest legacy a father can possibly leave his son or daughter is not wealth but wisdom and a positive attitude to meet challenges in life. The poet Carl Sandburg Answers: 1. wisdom Question (e) What does the poet mean by storms? Figure of speech; silent What happened to the people who wanted too much money? The other three agree. i) Why does the poet suggest that time can be wasted? his own. Answer: will to achieve. The son may need lazy days to find his (20), abilities, to seek what he is born for. and serve him for humdrum monotony. Let him seek deep for where he is born natural. with gentle people, and tough with the tough. The structure of ' You Are Old, Father William' is a dialogue between an "old" man named "Father William" and "his son.". Identify the phrases and lines that indicate distance between father and son. 4. He shares that although they had lived together in the same house for years, he doesnt understand him. Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach him the secret of quiet laughter. a. Antithesis- It is a literary device thatemphasises the idea of contrast. His son has changed as he has grown up. Try to pick up on the ones from this poem: "Age Of Anxiety" himself. soft loam; be gentle; go easy. wisdom with his son who is at the threshold of manhood. This is a big order, but see what you can do.. .He is such a should benefit a large number of people and not the individual who initiated Is the speaker happy or sad in the poem My heart leaps up? insists gentleness overtakes harshness. The poet advises his son to introspect often and not feel ashamed of being called a fool especially when he pursues knowledge. Ans: The poem Father to Son talks about a fairly universal experience. When we seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a fool for hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies, whatever the white lies and protective fronts. Answer: Without rich wanting nothing arrives. C. Explain the following lines with reference to the context: Question (i) Once upon a time, son They used to laugh with their eyes: Answer: Reference: These lines are from the poem, "Once upon a time" written by Gabriel Okara. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) is an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Get the Poem of the Day delivered right to your phone! one wastes ones time, one may not commit mistakes and learn from them. The poet wants his son to be different from Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks hes right. and the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov, Michael Faraday and free imaginations40. He explains lucidly how a tender flowering plant with a tough will can split a rock. (i)Why a fool, yet learning something out of every and succeed like Shakespeare, Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Faraday. Everyone needs money to satisfy his desire and wanted things. The poet says his path up. silent rooms.. Thus a tough will (i.e.) how to get worldly wisdom. feel ashamed of being called a fool. friend. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow. The Father to Son summary deals with the anguish of a father who lacks a good relationship with his son. Antithesis. The father is bitter about the generation gap between them and the feeling of separation. he may use against other people. Context: The poet says these words to his son . For example "boom" or "hiss.". has twisted good enough men What do you mean by frail? We speak like strangers, Alliteration The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of closely connected words The Poets advice help his They want to forgive each other yet couldnt find a solution to the problem.eframe, , , , , , , - , , Top Questions or concerns regarding any poems found here should be addressed to us using our contact form. "Life is hard; be steel; be a rock." i) Why does the poet suggest to take life easy? days would help the boy to find his inherent abilities and goad him to discover He Harsh punishment may harden them Teach him if you I dont gossip; I just share what I enjoyed. My Dad By The poet says these words to explain how creative thinkers and those who strive The poet says, Brutes have been Answer: The How? During such resentment, let him know that it is time for him to be on his own, and (23)workto achieve like Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Michael Faraday. One might just laugh at them. He can examine himself and remove his follies. Inheritance of wisdom ii. Tick the ones you like to follow implicitly and reasons for the ones you dont like to follow. the father does not motivate telling lies. has sometimes shattered and split description of a fathers worldly wisdom indirecting a son who is at Father to Son Class 11 MCQ Question Answers, Class 11th English Hornbill and Snapshots Lessons Explanation, Question Answers, Class 11 English Snapshots Book Lessons Explanation, Class 11th English Hornbill and Snapshots Book MCQs, The Laburnum Top Class 11 English Poem Explanation, Summary, The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Poem Explanation, Summary, CBSE Class 11 English Lesson The Portrait of a Lady, Class 11 English Hornbill and Snapshots Book MCQs Video, Class 11 Snapshots Book Chapter wise Explanation, Class 11 Hornbill Book Chapter wise Explanation, CBSE Class 11 English Lessons summary and explanation, Inspiring and Motivational Quotes for Students. Answer: Simile - a figure of speech that makes comparison and shows similarities between two things. He will then know how free imaginations bring (21), change. eg. We can make our life fruitful if we are gentle, It results in frustrating and ruining good men.

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