English equivalent: Look before you leap, for snakes among sweet flowers do creep. Give or take dancing rats for playing mice, and the meaning of this Spanish saying remains the same as its English counterpart. English equivalent: Better a lean jade than an empty halter.
Once you’ve learned a famous proverb or two, you will see them popping up online, in magazines, pretty much everywhere you go! Think of the well known English proverb ‘A picture is worth a thousand words,’ meaning that sometimes what you, can reveal a lot more about the situation than what you. English equivalent: Let the buyer have a thousand eyes for the seller wants only one. Here’s another example: “No compres caballo de muchos fierros, ni te cases con muchacha de muchos novios.” Don’t buy a horse with many irons, or marry a girl with too many boyfriends. This is occasioned, to a great extent, by the neglect of seasonable repairs.". Some proverbs, however, have equivalents in other languages. English equivalent: Grey hairs are honorable.

Because, to quote another Spanish proverb, “Nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena.” Better late than never. Literal Translation: Washing a pig with soap is to lose time and soap. Literal Translation: Don’t look at the teeth of a gift horse. Improve your reading and listening comprehension in Spanish. English equivalent: Whom God will destroy, he first make mad. Other Spanish proverbs reflect the attitudes of a specific region. English equivalent: A swallow doesn't make summer. Click here, or on the picture of the book for more information. English equivalent: Poverty is the reward of idleness. The Spanish collection of proverbs offers an accurate outlook of the people’s mentality: the view of the world is shown by means of hundreds of anecdotes, references, and hidden meanings. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the iOS or Android FluentU app. English equivalent: If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Some are specific to certain regions of Spain, Central or South America. English equivalent: Still waters run deep. It dates back to the Roman Empire, when people were crowned with a laurel wreath after a victory. They are also used as conversation "fillers" by native speakers, as a way of reasserting the thruthfulness of that wisdom as applied to particular situations. English equivalent: A bad craftsman blames his tools. Of course, Spanish versions of the Holy Bible translate the actual phrase a bit more accurately as “arrojar perlas a los cerdos” or “cast pearls to the hogs.” If the Bible reference doesn’t have you convinced, the phrase is even dropped into the lyrics of the Shakira song “La Tortura,” so you know it’s legit.

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