[41][42][43] The earliest Slavic literary works were composed in Bulgaria, Duklja and Dalmatia.

They are the main population of the Eastern and Southeastern European The South Slavs today include the nations of Bosniaks, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Slovenes. [55] Today, language secessionism has led to the codification of several distinct standards: Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin. [22] In 558 the Avars arrived at the Black Sea steppe, and defeated the Antes between the Dnieper and Dniester.

[13], While archaeological evidence for a large-scale migration is lacking, most present-day historians claim that Slavs invaded and settled the Balkans in the 6th and 7th centuries.

[48] A feudal class emerged in the Croatian hinterland in the late 13th century, among whom were the Kurjaković, Kačić and most notably the Šubić. In V Congres international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques (pp. In 1371, the Ottomans defeated a large Serbian army at the Battle of Maritsa, and in 1389 defeated the Serbian army at the Battle of Kosovo.
The Kingdom of Croatia, which included smaller parts of what is today Croatia, was a crown land of the Habsburg emperor. At the time, the West and South Slavs still spoke a similar language. Most scholars consider the period of 581–584 as the beginning of large-scale Slavic settlement in the Balkans.

Many of the countries that are considered Slavic today were a part of the former Soviet Union. [40] Cyril and Methodius' disciples found refuge in already Christian Bulgaria, where the Old Church Slavonic became the ecclesiastical language. Some South Slavs are atheist, agnostic and/or non-religious. The early modern period saw large-scale migrations of Orthodox Slavs (mainly Serbs) to the north and west. [44] The Bogomil sect, derived from Manichaeism, was deemed heretical, but managed to spread from Bulgaria to Bosnia (where it gained a foothold). [31] The Romance speakers within the fortified Dalmatian city-states managed to retain their culture and language for a long time. They inhabit a contiguous region in the Balkan Peninsula and the eastern Alps, and in the modern era are geographically separated from the body of West Slavic and East Slavic people by the Romanians, Hungarians, and Austrians in between. [12] They were portrayed by Procopius as unusually tall and strong, of dark skin and "reddish" hair (neither blond nor black), leading a primitive life and living in scattered huts, often changing their residence.

[38] In 863 to Christianized Great Moravia were sent two Byzantine brothers monks Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slavs from Thessaloniki on missionary work.

Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? There are also smaller communities of West and East Slavic peoples in northern Serbia. Bosniaks and other minor ethnic groups (Gorani, Muslims by nationality) and sub-groups (Torbesh and Pomaks) are Muslims. The Macedonian dialects, divided into three main groups, are regarded overall as being transitional to Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian.

The South Slavic languages are geographically divided from the rest of the Slavic languages by areas where Germanic (Austria), Hungarian and Romanian languages prevail. Ostrogorsky, G., 1963. This growing economic isolation, combined with external threats from the Avars and Byzantines, led to political and military mobilisation.

The Prekmurje Slovene and Kajkavian are especially close, and there is no sharp delineation between them. 1400–1600.

This meant that even numerically small, disorganised early Slavic raids were capable of causing much disruption, but could not capture the larger, fortified cities. genetically distinct from their northern linguistic relatives. The term "Slavic" refers to an ethnic and linguistic group that is located in Central and Eastern Europe.Originally, the slaves were tribes living in Europe north of the Carpathians, and from the sixth century onward, with the fall of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of the Germanic tribes that left for the south of Europe, they extended to the rest of the European continent as far as Siberia.
Much of the Balkans was under Ottoman rule throughout the early modern period. [46] Croats threw off Frankish rule in the 9th century, and took over the Byzantine Dalmatian towns, after which Hungarian conquest led to Hungarian suzerainty, although retaining an army and institutions. [20] Justinian seems to have used the strategy of 'divide and conquer', and the Sclaveni and Antes are mentioned as fighting each other.

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