I have studied martial arts since I was 7 or 8 years old. Muay Thai will absolutely dominate in stand-up but as soon as the fight is taken to the ground, BJJ will totally wreck the Nak Muay.

in a one on one fight. On the Floor : BJJ , very skilled on the floor and the muay thai guy would be outskilled as Bjj fighters are best on the ground . The reason why is because Krav maga focuses on scenario-based tactics. My sister married a second dan black belt from Yokohama . How do you think about the answers? Real kicks also seldom come into play in street fights unless to the lower leg, which boxers tend to be able to avoid easily. How do you think about the answers? In a street fight, Krav maga would definitely be more useful for you. Does martial arts really build confidence? This article will tell you the best for a street fight, the easiest one to learn, and the best one for getting in shape. Thank you for your question. Fighting isn't like Rock Scissors Paper where we can just determine probable outcomes with basic maths & logic, so to say one style will always win is a flawed theory as there will always be a ''what if'' that can negate the statement that ''X is better than Y'' unless you can somehow prove in all cases X is better than Y. boxing is only effective in punch range & thai boxers would beat a boxer in street fight. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today.

? You can sign in to vote the answer. Should I start back to white belt if I used to be orange belt years ago? 4 5. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or more commonly known as BJJ, is both a martial art and a sport. In a Street Fight, Boxing every time, Muay Thai is defiantly more useful in an MMA style of Competition but unless the Street fight just happens to involve Anderson Silva of course Boxing is way more effective. just wondering :) .. A fight can be lethal, leaving one of the fighters bleeding on the ground. Conclusion. Absofuckinglutely! BJJ’s rise to fame and prominence came in the way of Royce Gracie’s dominance in the beginning years of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in the 90s.

If the boxer gets within punch range the thai boxer will most likely clinch & knee his torso & will cripple him to where the boxer won't be able to use hip & rotation of torso for channeling weight & torque for more punching power or they'll do what ufc fighter Anderson Silva did back in the day to most of his opponents & repeatedly knee the boxer in the face & KO him. Hi John. But say you have a high level BJJ Black Belt vs a Thai Champion. Muay Thai's weakness is countered by BJJ, while BJJ's weaknesses are countered with Muay Thai. A typical Thai boxer cannot outpuch a typical Western boxer, especially one who outweighs him by a significant amount of weight. A street fight doesn't happen in the clinch & you wont be looking for the take down, your going to throw punches until the other man stops throwing them back . In a street fight, if the fight goes to the ground and the boxer is a better grappler, then he will most likely beat the Thai boxer. well depends on the ppl u should of made this question better but what ever, they've trained real hard right they've got skill but ali lacks his body he's not to good because hes a boxer and thats only fist, but he can wear him down cause ali can take **** but all the muay thai champ needs is speed and ali is done which i really dont think ali would go down that easy it would take a bad *** mother ****** to defeat ali at his prime but the only reason i say that is cause ali is only fist's and i've heard boxers are cocky they think they can take punchs which those body parts a thai boxer throws at ya aren't punchs well i think the winner would end up being ali but then facts ali is a boxer and quiet cocky so he wouldn't care but he stays on the out side during the fight which is why i think he would but not many boxers are that smart i think a boxer like jones or any other inside boxer would get there ***'s kicked by them on the streets but ali was the greatest had to go with him cause how he is and plus he might instigate it which when some ppl are mad they tend to make mistakes. In this case, the Muay Thai fighter would be helpless not having any effective skills to fight in this position and to counter a submission attempt.

Western boxers are trained in proper distancing, timing, and effective hard-hitting knock out punches. But say you have a high level BJJ Black Belt vs a Thai Champion.

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