The 'U' in the paint code means the Upper Color and the 'L' means the Lower Color. For a nice visual color balance, we recommend designs use the proportion of 80 percent blue to 20 percent maize. 61(B) Champagne Metallic.
Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. The shade maize or corn refers to a specific tone of yellow; it is named for the cereal of the same name—maize (the cereal maize is called corn in the Americas).In public usage, maize can be applied to a variety of shades, ranging from light yellow to a dark shade that borders on orange, since the color of maize (the actual corn) may vary. I am really happy that someone (you) still makes a stock paint color for a vehicle that is almost 50 years old. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing, A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB), Master Bedrooms / Home Offices / Retreats, Spanish-Mediterranean / Craftsman / Victorian.
The 'U' in the paint code means the Upper Color and the 'L' means the Lower Color. For a nice visual color balance, we recommend designs use the proportion of 80 percent blue to 20 percent maize. 61(B) Champagne Metallic.
Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. The shade maize or corn refers to a specific tone of yellow; it is named for the cereal of the same name—maize (the cereal maize is called corn in the Americas).In public usage, maize can be applied to a variety of shades, ranging from light yellow to a dark shade that borders on orange, since the color of maize (the actual corn) may vary. I am really happy that someone (you) still makes a stock paint color for a vehicle that is almost 50 years old. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing, A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB), Master Bedrooms / Home Offices / Retreats, Spanish-Mediterranean / Craftsman / Victorian.
The 'U' in the paint code means the Upper Color and the 'L' means the Lower Color. For a nice visual color balance, we recommend designs use the proportion of 80 percent blue to 20 percent maize. 61(B) Champagne Metallic.
Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. The shade maize or corn refers to a specific tone of yellow; it is named for the cereal of the same name—maize (the cereal maize is called corn in the Americas).In public usage, maize can be applied to a variety of shades, ranging from light yellow to a dark shade that borders on orange, since the color of maize (the actual corn) may vary. I am really happy that someone (you) still makes a stock paint color for a vehicle that is almost 50 years old. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing, A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB), Master Bedrooms / Home Offices / Retreats, Spanish-Mediterranean / Craftsman / Victorian.
The 'U' in the paint code means the Upper Color and the 'L' means the Lower Color. For a nice visual color balance, we recommend designs use the proportion of 80 percent blue to 20 percent maize. 61(B) Champagne Metallic.
Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. The shade maize or corn refers to a specific tone of yellow; it is named for the cereal of the same name—maize (the cereal maize is called corn in the Americas).In public usage, maize can be applied to a variety of shades, ranging from light yellow to a dark shade that borders on orange, since the color of maize (the actual corn) may vary. I am really happy that someone (you) still makes a stock paint color for a vehicle that is almost 50 years old. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing, A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB), Master Bedrooms / Home Offices / Retreats, Spanish-Mediterranean / Craftsman / Victorian.
53(D) Crystal Turquoise. ", "Just wanted to let you know that an order I received for WG2 touch up matched perfectly, unlike the dealer stuff. Thanks", "Thanks Collin every one in the club says you are the best and you really do stand behind your word. The blue was described as being “the blue of a summer sky” and the maize as “the yellow of ripe corn.” (These are anonymous so we cannot respond. Thanks", "It was a great site. Your regular e-mail correspondence has been reassuring and representative of the great customer service your company provides. A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB) Similar Colors. 50(C) Liberty Blue. I was surprised on how well the paint matched my car considering that it faded over time. Often there will be a 'BC CC' before the color code. Learn where to locate your Color Identification Plate . Yellow Color Codes: HTML colors shown are shades of yellow (or similar) provided in both HEX and RGB code formats.
The 'U' in the paint code means the Upper Color and the 'L' means the Lower Color. For a nice visual color balance, we recommend designs use the proportion of 80 percent blue to 20 percent maize. 61(B) Champagne Metallic.
Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. The shade maize or corn refers to a specific tone of yellow; it is named for the cereal of the same name—maize (the cereal maize is called corn in the Americas).In public usage, maize can be applied to a variety of shades, ranging from light yellow to a dark shade that borders on orange, since the color of maize (the actual corn) may vary. I am really happy that someone (you) still makes a stock paint color for a vehicle that is almost 50 years old. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing, A Hex color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB), Master Bedrooms / Home Offices / Retreats, Spanish-Mediterranean / Craftsman / Victorian.