How do you know carbon dating was not done on the coconut fiber? I am not attacking you or even disagreeing with you in regard to KRS or hooked X, because most all of what I know about them (or think I know) came from you and your shows. Are you guys having party with adult beverages and decide to have some silly fun on my blog? I wasn't upset or worried in the least about reputation. MountainLion,I'm not sure what a Norse code is either other than Peyton or his friend's way of describing what he thinks he sees. "Mysterious is as mysterious does," I guess. "It seems like some information could be added into Wiki KRS from Alice Kehoe's book, which could cast some favorable light on the subject.Don't let those hidebound, fringe-thinking academic types get you down. Since the dedication, Steve, with his dogged determination has been Can you describe it if a picture isn’t available? Further, the word “NorRmen” could mean “Norman”, not necessarily “Norwegians.”Keep in mind also the Templar’s were only in France and kind of in England. We know by the message that in about 1362, the men passed through Vinland, but they considered themselves to be Norwegians and Swedes--not from from Iceland or Greenland either, for instance, as far as we can make out.So, the Templars had been put down for about a half-century before the date inscribed on the KRS. But I will give you one example of academic peer review; are you familiar with Alice Beck Kehoe’s book, “The Kensington Runestone: Approaching a Research Question Holistically”? Two inscriptions, the Negau and the Maria Saalerberg inscriptions, written in Etruscan script in a Germanic language and dating from the 2nd and 1st centuries bc, respectively, give credence to the theory of Etruscan origins for runic. Was that show a reenactment of the original show where the military and high gov't officals took the silver bar before it was even dry?RE: Why mention of Bill Murray movle.The movie is a spoof about a underwater sea cap't that is on the hunt for a mega- shark that attacked and ate his parents where much of the action sceens are staged/corigraphed to sensationalize it for affect/effect. The earliest known Runic inscriptions date from the 1st century AD, P.S. My problem is I've been to Oak Island multiple times and have a pretty good idea of what the situation is there. You should have made the first show treasure hunting instead of intelligent. So, if I understand what you are saying, Scott, we may see the presence of Christians in this medieval American setting, but not Christians from the Catholic Church. itself, or the name of the person who owned it. Scott,They did submit coconut fibers dug up from Oak Island for C-14 dating. One has to wonder why some places like you describe, don't allow photos or offer any for purchase. You understand them, you understand a huge part of the overall story. Proof by Assertion is not argument, it is yet another fallacy. While evidence suggests that most Vikings could read the runes on at least a basic level, for them the true study and understanding of these symbols was a pursuit fit for the gods. I can take the name calling, but don't make a straw man out of me and frame my arguments in way not intended or even set forth to begin with.
Nothing tangible has come forward to refute either study so let's have a party.
2. Needless to say I have a totally different opinion of what was happening north of the 49th than what I was taught in school. So, fact or not is moot, if it is not an accepted fact.Even if, Scott is correct (and I lean toward he is correct) and it is/was reviewed properly. I had hoped you would introduce something new and significant into the conversation about runes, and especially how they relate to the Kensington Rune Stone.Most glaring to me now, is seeing rather dramatically how some hooked x's do actually date back to the time of the KRS, and in Iceland...which is a stop-over on the way to Greenland and on to Vinland.Something else about Iceland immediately comes to mind. Heck, I remember when Pluto was a planet!What is my point?

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