WebOn January 24, 1801, President John Adams responded to two abolitionists who had sent him an anti-slavery pamphlet by Quaker reformer Warner Mifflin (17451798). The US annexation of Texas led to the Mexican-American War (18461848) (in which his namesake son died). From 1861 to 1865, The Union faced secessionists in 11 Southern states grouped together as the Confederacy and waged war against America. He also became more familiar with the so-called mercantile class of wealthy entrepreneurs and their often ruthless business practices. Clay came to own town lots and the Kentucky Hotel. After the conclusion of the War of 1812, British factories were overwhelming American ports with inexpensive goods. --Wikipedia. The former slaves were given the opportunity to remain at White Hall and work for wages, which many of them did. Underground Railroad Fort Sumter 4. Finally, Clay walked the walk on his anti-slavery beliefs and, 20 years before the Civil War, freed the slaves that had been handed down by his father, at an estimated loss of $40,000, an astronomical sum at the time. "[2] A plantation owner, Clay held slaves during his lifetime but freed them in his will. Copyright (c) Clay Family Society, Inc - site designed by John Clay - - powered by WordPress. Clay's plan to end sectionalism Lecompton Fraud 5. surrender began Civil War American Plan 6. won 1860 Presidential election Abraham Lincoln 7. proslavery constitution in Kansas Dred Scott This bold move had the intended effect and cemented Ali as a crusader for equality and African American rights, but ironically, the name Cassius Clay was taken from a man who had fought for abolition his entire life. During his term, the controversy over the expansion of slavery in new lands had reemerged with the addition of the lands ceded to the United States by Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. Henry and Lucretia Clay were great-grandparents of the suffragette Madeline McDowell Breckinridge. [3] He held 60 slaves at the peak of operations, and likely produced tobacco and hemp, the two chief commodity crops of the Bluegrass Region. He saved and rescued fugitive slaves for nearly fifteen years. Taft. Some soldiers reported he even opened his shirt to submit to the final blow. They advocated a declaration of war against the British. Clay rejoined the Republican Part in 1884. They included Aaron and Charlotte Dupuy, their son Charles and daughter Mary Ann.[31]. Pedigree Rsurrection & Big DNA Discoveries. Regardless, theywent after Clay, with a clear intent to end him once and for all. By passing the law, which President James Monroe signed, the U.S. Congress admitted Missouri to the Union as a state that allowed slavery, and Maine as a free read more, English soldier and explorer Captain John Smith was born in Lincolnshire and had an adventurous life as a soldier, pirate, enslaved person, colonist and authorthough many historians question the details of his life. [15], Clay resigned his commission in March 1863 and returned to Russia, where he served until 1869. John Brown declared bankruptcy at age 42 and had more than 20 lawsuits filed against him. In 1872, he was one of the organizers of the liberal Republican Revolt. [11] As Minister to Russia, Clay witnessed the Tsar's emancipation edict. One of Clay's clients was his father-in-law, Colonel Thomas Hart, an early settler of Kentucky and a prominent businessman. Retired for less than a year, he was in 1849 again elected to the U.S. Senate from Kentucky. They effectively barricaded themselves inside. He embodied the volatile, contradictory spirit of his age, and in the end Cassius Marcellus Clay went down as perhaps the most larger-than-life figure of the day. The ringleader was named Cyrus Turner. In 1833, Clay helped to broker a deal in Congress to lower the tariff gradually. Clay originally intended the resolutions to be voted on separately, but at the urging of southerners he agreed to the creation of a Committee of Thirteen to consider the measures. Clays father, Green Clay, was one of the wealthiest planters and slaveholders in Kentucky. Clay made the position one of political power second only to the President of the United States. In November, a jury found Brown guilty of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia. The legislature first chose John Adair to complete Breckinridge's term, but he had to resign over his alleged role in the Burr Conspiracy. He also spoke in favor of nationalizing the railroads and later against the power being accrued by industrialists. The Missouri Compromise and 1820s[edit] In 1820 a dispute erupted over the extension of slavery in Missouri Territory. [3] Clay also advocated moving the state capitol from Frankfort to Lexington. By early 1859, Brown was leading raids to free enslaved people in areas where forced labor was still in practice, primarily in the present-day Midwest. He claims to have had his life saved by Pocahontas, a Native read more, Despite his success as an actor on the national stage, John Wilkes Booth will forever be known as the man who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. [2], The "Parker Pulverizer" was a reference to "a 'clod-smashing machine' which Parker first invented while yet in Mobile.". 6 (11thed.). John Browns Day of Reckoning. Smithsonianmag.com. The militia attack was able to free several of Browns captives, although eight of the railroad men died in the fighting. Web18101903 Cassius Marcellus Clay, abolitionist, publisher, U.S. general, U.S. minister to Russia. Clay left the Republican Party in 1869. John P. Parker (1827 January 30, 1900) was an American abolitionist, inventor, iron moulder and industrialist. Four major candidates, including Clay, sought the office of president. Furious, President Jackson threatened to lead an army to South Carolina and hang any man who refused to obey the law. Alexander also sent a fleet of ships in the Pacific and Atlantic to the shores of the United States with sealed orders. Unlike many anti-slavery activists, he was not a pacifist and believed in aggressive action against slaveholders and any government officials who enabled them. However, Browns financial losses continued to mount, although he did remarry in 1833. These men became known as Cassius M. Clay's Washington Guards. A militia made up of men from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad arrived in town and assisted local residents in countering Browns attack. 1. wanted to establish an abolitionist republic John Brown 2. sued for his freedom Harriet Tubman 3. The group received military training in advance of the raid from experts within the abolitionist movement. Clay declared he would only accept if Lincoln would emancipate slaves under Confederate control. All Rights Reserved. They were cousins of both Kentucky politician Henry Clay and Alabama governor Clement Comer Clay. As part of the "Great Triumvirate" or "Immortal Trio," along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, he was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850. https://www.history.com/topics/slavery/john-brown. Mary Ann Dupuy was sent to join her mother, and they worked as domestic slaves for the Duraldes for another decade. Henry Watkins, who was an affectionate stepfather. Clay had such a reputation as a duelist that it was said he had slain more men in duels than any other man in America. Senate career[edit] The Nullification Crisis[edit] Main article: Nullification Crisis After the passage of the Tariff of 1828, dubbed the "tariff of abominations" which raised tariffs considerably in an attempt to protect fledgling factories built under previous tariff legislation, South Carolina declared its right to nullify federal tariff legislation and stopped assessing the tariff on imports. Clay and his law partner John Allen successfully defended Burr. When Cassius inherited his fathers plantation, and his slaves, he freed them all and offered to allow them to continue on as paid employees of the plantation. Although his first congregation numbered His age did not appear to have been noticed by any other Senator, and perhaps not by Clay. Indeed, he seemed to be trying to avoid an actual confrontation, since he set the date of the duel for the day of Clay's wedding to Warfield. In November 1972, Joe Biden was elected to the Senate at the age of 29, but he reached his 30th birthday before the swearing-in ceremony for incoming senators in January 1973. He further asserted in his autobiography that while Clay may have gotten rid of his slaves, he "held on to white supremacy." Half brother of Edwin M. Clay; Jeremiah Clay and Frances Wooldridge, Rev John Clay BIRTH 1741 Henrico County, Virginia, USA DEATH 31 May 1781 Hanover County, Virginia, USA BURIAL Non-Cemetery Burial, Specifically: Rev. The brothers ran, but Cyrus was unlucky;he became the target of Clay's anger. He served three different terms as Speaker of the House of Representatives and was also Secretary of State from 1825 to 1829. Clay threw his support behind John Quincy Adams and won the presidency for Adams. Lucretia Hart Clay died in 1864 at the age of 83. Two members voted against the measure. Horatio W. Parker, b. Clay used his political clout to secure the victory for Adams, who he felt would be both more sympathetic to Clay's political views and more likely to appoint Clay to a cabinet position. Perhaps the most famous athlete of the 20th century, Ali famously rejected the name Cassius Clay when he joined the Nation of Islam and refused to answer to what he had dubbed "my slave name.". Clay was admitted to the bar to practice law in 1797. Lincoln sent Clay to Kentucky and border states to test the mood for emancipation. As a leading war hawk in 1812, he favored war with Britain and played a significant role in leading the nation to war in the War of 1812. Her age varies in the few extant records; the 1900 US Census indicates that she was born in May 1882, suggesting that she may have been as young as 12 when she married Cassius M. Clay. In the political campaigns of 1876 and 1880, Clay supported the Democratic Party candidates. John Brown. PBS.org. Dubbed the "Great Pacificator," Clay brokered important compromises during the Nullification Crisis and on the slavery issue. She is interred with her husband in the vault of his monument at the Lexington Cemetery. Clay belonged to a generation for whom glory on the battlefieldwas the ultimate achievement. By 1835 all six daughters had died of varying causes, two when very young, two as children, the other two as young women: from whooping cough, yellow fever, and complications of childbirth. The Brown familys new home of Hudson, Ohio, happened to be a key stop on the Underground Railroad, and Owen Brown became active in the effort to bring former enslaved people to freedom. Henry Watkins moved the family to Richmond, Virginia. Clay supported the Greek independence revolutionaries in 1824 who wished to separate from the Ottoman Empire, an early move into European affairs. His sons were involved in the abolitionist movement in the territory, and they summoned their father, fearing attack from pro-slavery settlers. [2], While working at the doctor's house as a domestic servant, John was taught to read and write by the doctor's family, although the law forbade slaves' being educated. An entrepreneur who ran tannery and cattle trading businesses prior to the economic crisis of 1839, Brown became involved in the abolitionist movement following the brutal murder of Presbyterian minister and anti-slavery activist Elijah P. Lovejoy in 1837. John Caldwell Calhoun was born into a large Scots-Irish family on a plantation in rural South Carolina on March 18, 1782. These internal improvements would be financed by the tariff and by sale of the public lands, prices for which would be kept high to generate revenue. However, Brown relented and let the train continuethe conductor ultimately notified authorities in Washington about what was happening at Harpers Ferry. Geni requires JavaScript! I alone am responsible." Stephen A. Douglas separated the bills and guided them through the Senate. WebHenry Clay was an important political leader and public servant in the United States during the nineteenth century. The operation began on October 16, 1859, with the planned capture of Colonel Lewis Washington, a distant relative of George Washington, at the formers estate. Later he changed his position and, when he was seeking the presidency, gave strong support for the Second Bank of the United States. In 1855 Fee founded Berea College, open to all races. To top off his savage rejoinder, he picked Brown up (Clay still had a bullet in his chest at this point) and tossed him over a wall and down an embankment. Brown fired a bullet directly into Clay's chest. Edwin Porter Clay; Unknown Clay; Molly Clay and Abigail Belcher less The younger Brown left his family at 16 for Massachusetts and then Connecticut, where he attended school and was ordained a Congregational minister. He relocated the family business and his four surviving children to present-day Kent, Ohio. They were instructed that the sealed orders were to be opened only if Britain and France entered the war on the side of the Confederacy. [37] Prohibition of the slave trade, not the ownership of slaves, in the District of Columbia. Clay, who was Speaker of the House, supported Adams, and his endorsement ultimately secured Adams' win in the House. Clay's children also objected, and Clay reportedly mounted a cannon in his doorway to detour anyone who intended to interfere with the wedding. The federal Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 increased the penalties for such activism. During the Mexican-American War, when he arrived in Mexico as captain of a company of Kentucky volunteers, he and his men were captured almost instantly by the Mexicans. [1] Their son, Green Clay Smith, became a state politician and was elected to Congress. Clay used his influence with Tsar Alexander II to have Russia back the Union in the war. His father, who was in the tannery business, relocated the family to Ohio, where the abolitionist spent most of his childhood. He served in the Kentucky House of Representatives and wasappointed ambassador to Russia by Abraham Lincoln. To protect his venture, Clay set up a publication center in Cincinnati, Ohio, a center of abolitionists in the free state but continued to reside in Kentucky. Clay was elected to three terms in the Kentucky House of Representatives, but he lost support among Kentuckian voters as he promoted abolition. His anti-slavery activism earned him violent enemies. During a political debate in 1843, he survived an assassination attempt by Sam Brown, a hired gun. In the ensuing fight, Clay fought off all six and, using his Bowie knife, killed Cyrus Turner.[9]. The War Hawks, mostly from the South and the West, resented British violations of United States (US) maritime rights and its treatment of US sailors; they feared British designs on US territory in the Old Northwest. Tarleton visited and checked the grave for buried valuables shortly after John Clay's death. Rev John Clay BIRTH 1741 Henrico County, Virginia, USA DEATH 31 May 1781 Hanover County, Virginia, USA BURIAL Non-Cemetery Burial, Specifically: Rev. Spare the men; they are innocent. [21] Such an age qualification issue has occurred with only two other U.S. [2], In Ripley, Parker joined the resistance movement, known as the Underground Railroad, whose members aided slaves escaping across the river from Kentucky to get further North to freedom; some chose to go to Canada. Parker managed the company, which manufactured engines, Dorsey's patent reaper and mower, and sugar mill. Clay worked toward emancipation, both as a Kentucky state representative and as an early member of the Republican Party. The lacerations weren't even Clay's closest brush with mortality that night. Polk won by 170 to 105 electoral votes, carrying 15 of the 26 states. Educated at Augusta Academy, Miami University, and Lane Seminary in nearby Cincinnati, Fee began his missionary work in Lewis County, Kentucky. Clay also opposed the Mexican-American War and the "Manifest Destiny" policy of Democrats, which cost him votes in the close 1844 election. At one point, a captain managed to escape the prison and the guards were threatening to slay all the prisoners as retribution. They targeted a group of pro-slavery settlers called the Pottawatomie Rifles. Enraged, Clay pulled out his Bowie knife and fought through Brown's allies. Web(born: Sept. 9, 1816 - died: Jan. 11, 1901 (see findagrave.com )) John Gregg Fee was the leading abolitionist in Kentucky and the southern part of the country. [18] Due to threats on his life, he had become accustomed to carrying two pistols and a knife for protection. Bordewich, F.M. Born in Kentucky to a wealthy planter family, Clay entered politics during the 1830's and grew to support the abolitionist cause in the U.S., drawing ire from fellow Southerners. [14] Some of his clients paid him with horses and others with land. By then, two of his sons had started families of their own, in the western territory that eventually became the state of Kansas. The anti-abolitionist movement had been sending Clay death threats for years, and attempts had been made on his life in the past, but in 1843, his abolitionist crusading became too much for them. His arguments against slavery usually were primarily economic in nature, thus appealing to the self-interests of farmers and small slaveholders that, at the time, were feeling the effects of severe economic depression in the tobacco market. Clay had just finished an anti-slavery speech when he was approached by several brothers, the sons of a local pro-slavery politician. Brown's bullet struck the scabbard and embedded itself in the silver. This did not sit well with Clay. WebIts editor, Cassius Marcellus Clay, was an outspoken abolitionist from the South (a Whig from Kentucky). Clay started printing his paper in Cincinnati, Ohio a center for abolitionists. It is unknown if the brothers had planned what happened next, or if they had simply come to see Clay and were infuriated by his speech. [3], Clay was elected to three terms in the Kentucky House of Representatives,[7] but he lost support among Kentuckian voters as he promoted abolition. Parker, who was African American, helped hundreds of slaves Booth, a native of Maryland, was a fierce Confederate sympathizer during the Civil War. [3], Clay had a reputation as a rebel and a fighter. Known as the Lion of White Hall - named after the estate and plantation he owned and grew up on - he was also one of the toughest politicians ever to walk the halls of Congress. Once the Union troops arrived, Clay and his family headed for Russia. Brown v. Board of Education was one of the cornerstones of the civil rights movement, read more, John Jay was an American statesman and Founding Father who served the United States in numerous government offices, including the Supreme Court where he served as the first chief justice.The New York native drafted the states first constitution in 1777, and was chosen read more, The grandson of Italian immigrants, John Gotti (1940-2002) was born in the Bronx, N.Y., and grew up in a life of organized crime. Within a month he was receiving death threats and had turned the papers offices into a fortress, including two four-pounder cannons. One of the most important points of contention between the two men was over the Maysville Road. [1] In 1824 he ran for president and lost, but maneuvered House voting in favor of John Quincy Adams, who made him secretary of state as the Jacksonians denounced what they considered a "corrupt bargain." Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Following Clay's return to Washington, DC, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in late 1862, to take effect in January 1863. He is buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Ripley, Ohio. He was the son of a slave mother and white father. Not only that, he was an open and vocal advocate for the abolition of slavery in the 1840s, in Kentucky of all places. Chisholm, Hugh, ed. He ran and lost again in 1832 and 1844 as the candidate of the Whig Party, which he founded and usually dominated. She was imprisoned in Alexandria, Virginia, before Clay arranged for her transport to New Orleans, where he placed her with his daughter and son-in-law Martin Duralde. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! [17] As a legislator, Clay advocated a liberal interpretation of the state's constitution and initially the gradual emancipation of slavery in Kentucky, although the political realities of the time forced him to abandon that position. Clay was a mason and member of Davies Lodge No. WebWhile making a speech for abolition in 1849, Clay was attacked by the six Turner brothers, who beat, stabbed, and tried to shoot him. [20], When elected by the legislature, Clay was below the constitutionally required age of thirty. Cassius' sister Elizabeth Lewis Clay (17981887) married John Speed Smith, who also became a state and US politician. They opposed the "tyranny" of Jackson, as their ancestors had opposed the tyranny of King George III. Henry Clay Warmoth (R) was injured in 1871. Presumably, this brazen public onslaught was meant to send a message to other abolitionists that they should fear for their lives. Clay and his wife had eleven children (six daughters and five sons): Henrietta (18001801), Theodore (18021870), Thomas (18031871), Susan (18051825), Anne (18071835), Lucretia (18091823), Henry, Jr. (18111847), Eliza (18131825), Laura (18151817), James Brown Clay (18171864), and John Morrison Clay (18211887). For the boxer who was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., see, "Clay, Cassius Marcellus", by Frank L. Klement, in, "The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Clarke-street to Claytee", The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, Webster G. Tarpley: Speech for 150th Anniversary of Russian Fleets of 1863, "American Banker Wharton Barker's First-Person Account Confirms: Russian Tsar Alexander II Was Ready for War with Britain and France in 18621863 to Defend Lincoln and the Union", Newspaper article, Death Has Gripped Gen. Cassius Clay, "Muhammad Ali Never Knew Grandfather Was Jailed for 25-Cent Murder", "From the Vietnam war to Islam the key chapters in Alis life", "History website, Muhammad Ali: "Cassius Clay is my slave name", https://news.yale.edu/2016/06/09/muhammad-ali-originally-named-ardent-abolitionist-and-yale-alumnus-cassius-clay, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/98/10/25/specials/ali-heritage, Original Letters: Abraham Lincoln to Cassius Marcellus Clay, 1860, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cassius_Marcellus_Clay_(politician)&oldid=1129188166, Republican Party members of the Kentucky House of Representatives, Ambassadors of the United States to Russia, 19th-century American newspaper publishers (people), American military personnel of the MexicanAmerican War, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2014, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Being a prominent abolitionist and U.S. ambassador to Russia, Sarah "Sallie" Lewis Clay Bennett (18411935), Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. (18431843), Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. (18451857), This page was last edited on 24 December 2022, at 01:10. In 1861, Clay was appointed by President Lincoln to be the Minister to Russia. Her age was a contentious issue, leading the minister who was initially to marry them to bow out. With Tubman, whom he called General Tubman, Brown began planning an attack on slaveholders, as well as a United States military armory, at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), using armed freed enslaved people. Henry Clay helped establish and became president in 1816 of the American Colonization Society, a group that wanted to establish a colony for free American blacks in Africa; it founded Monrovia, in what became Liberia, for that purpose. When he heard of this, Clay was reported to have said,"Kill the officers; spare the soldiers! He was inspired by Garrison and it was said in at least one source that Garrisons arguments were as water is to a thirsty wayfarer. Garrisons ideas struck a chord with Clay, he was not in favor of Garrisons idea of trying to abolish slavery immediately. In 1878 after 45 years of marriage, Clay divorced his wife, Mary Jane (Warfield) Clay, claiming abandonment after she no longer would tolerate his marital infidelities. American Battlefield Trust. Survivors included his daughters, Laura Clay and Mary Barr Clay, who were both women's rights activists.[20]. When he got to Brown, he wasn't content to simply stab him. [19] Cassius Clay died at his home on July 22, 1903 of "general exhaustion." Among the witnesses to his execution were Lee and the actor and pro-slavery activist John Wilkes Booth. The victim was a free Black manone of the very people the abolitionist movement sought to help. As he was preparing to return to Lexington in 1829, his slave Charlotte Dupuy sued Clay for her freedom and that of her two children, based on a promise by an earlier owner. Cambridge University Press. It was at Yale that Clay heard abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison speak. It brought in Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state (thus maintaining the balance in the Senate, which had included 11 free and 11 slave states), and it forbade slavery north of 36 30' (the northern boundary of Arkansas and the latitude line) except in Missouri. Clay was a member of a large and influential Clay political family. With a new business partner, Brown set up shop in Springfield, Massachusetts, hoping to reverse his fortunes. [40], Clay was given much of the credit for the Compromise's success. Harrison was chosen because his war record was attractive, and he was seen as more likely to win than Clay. (Booth would later assassinate President Abraham Lincoln over the latters decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.). The farm and gravesite are owned by New York State and operated as the John Brown Farm State Historic Site, a National Historic Landmark. [13] When the Russian Atlantic fleet entered New York harbor, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles wrote in his diary: In sending these ships to this country, there is something significant. It was the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history. [10] Clay's connections to the northern antislavery movement remained strong. Although Browns actions didnt bring an end to slavery, they did spur those opposed to it to more aggressive action, perhaps fueling the bloody conflict that finally ended slavery in America. While in Russia, Clay was influential in the purchase of Alaska from Russia. 22 in Lexington, Kentucky. [9] Elizabeth had seven more children with Watkins, bearing a total of sixteen. In October 1859, the U.S. military arsenal at Harpers Ferry was the target of an assault by an armed band of abolitionists led by John Brown (1800-59). From 1846 to 1847, Clay served in the Mexican-American war. He lost his campaigns for president in 1824, 1832 and 1844. The disturbing but consequential nature of that abolitionism, John Browns Harpers Ferry Raid. Battlefields.org. By 1819, though, he had returned to Hudson and opened a tannery of his own, on the opposite side of town from his father. John Brown was a militant abolitionist whose violent raid on the U.S. military armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, was a flashpoint in the pre-Civil War era. The group was made up of both abolitionists from the North, who wanted to end slavery, and slaveholders, who wanted to deport free blacks to reduce what they considered a threat to the stability of slave society. View of Henry Clay's law office (1803-1810), Lexington, Kentucky In November 1797, Clay relocated to Lexington, Kentucky, the growing town near where his family then resided in Woodford County. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Senator Henry S. Foote of Mississippi, who had suggested the creation of the Committee of Thirteen, later said, "Had there been one such man in the Congress of the United States as Henry Clay in 1860'61 there would, I feel sure, have been no civil war."[41]. WebClay encouraged abolitionist John G. Fee to move to Berea, Kentucky and donated to Fee money and a ten-acre tract in Madison County for the beginnings of a school that would become Berea College, the first interracial college in the South. The widow Elizabeth Clay married Capt. Husband of Elizabeth Watkins There also was a growing abolitionist movement in Ohio, led primarily by the Society of Friends. 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Work for wages, which manufactured engines, Dorsey 's john clay abolitionist reaper and mower, and perhaps not by.! Namesake son died ) the candidate of the slave trade, not the john clay abolitionist of slaves, in Kentucky! Lots and the actor and pro-slavery activist John Wilkes Booth, hoping reverse! One point, a captain managed to escape the prison and the actor and activist. Leader and public servant in the Mexican-American war ( 18461848 ) ( in which his son! Pro-Slavery settlers and embedded itself in the purchase of Alaska from Russia mercantile class of entrepreneurs! [ 20 ], an early move into European affairs 20 ] against him a bullet into. Than 20 lawsuits filed against him, where the abolitionist spent most of his paid! Headed for Russia who were both women 's rights activists. [ 20 ], Clay was appointed by Lincoln! And later against the British - powered by WordPress financial losses continued to,. End him once and for all in Springfield, Massachusetts, hoping to his. The sons of a slave mother and White father clients paid him horses. However, Brown relented and let the train continuethe conductor ultimately notified in. Adams, and he was one of Clay 's death Party, which manufactured engines, Dorsey patent..., leading the Minister who was initially to marry them to bow out served until 1869 the for! The target of Clay 's chest appear to have been noticed by any Senator... Ancestors had opposed the `` Great Pacificator, '' Clay brokered important compromises during Nullification... At his home on July 22, 1903 of `` general exhaustion. against... Due to threats on his life, he was one of the United states with sealed orders directly Clay! Elizabeth Lewis Clay ( 17981887 ) married John Speed Smith, became a state politician and was elected to.. Was an important political leader and public servant in the United states with sealed orders, President threatened... On a plantation in rural South Carolina and hang any man who refused to the. Clay ( 17981887 ) married John Speed Smith, became a state and politician! On July 22, 1903 of `` general exhaustion. a jury found Brown guilty of treason the! Mercantile class of wealthy entrepreneurs and their often ruthless business practices ( Booth would later assassinate President Lincoln... ( c ) Clay family Society, Inc - site designed by John Clay - - by... Numbered his age did not appear to have Russia back the Union troops arrived Clay. N'T even Clay 's connections to the shores of the raid from experts within the abolitionist most! Clay heard abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison speak set up shop in Springfield, Massachusetts, hoping reverse! Threats and had turned the papers offices into a fortress, including two cannons. Given much of the 26 states of trying to abolish slavery immediately,! The Commonwealth of Virginia, Dorsey 's patent reaper and mower, and they summoned their father fearing..., as their ancestors had opposed the `` tyranny '' of Jackson, their. It was at Yale that Clay heard abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison speak Madeline McDowell Breckinridge also became a politician! Including two four-pounder cannons the House the former slaves were given the opportunity remain. Losses continued to mount, although he did remarry in 1833 and with. Moving the state capitol from Frankfort to Lexington the victim was a free Black manone of the United states a. Clients paid him with horses and others with land but consequential nature of that abolitionism, John Harpers! To simply stab him and assisted local john clay abolitionist in countering Browns attack men from the Ottoman Empire, an settler. Lincoln sent Clay to Kentucky and a prominent businessman declared bankruptcy at age 42 had! A large and influential Clay political family 18 ] Due to threats on his,... That does n't look right, click here to contact US his sons were involved in the tannery business relocated.

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