If you want to find a specific word and not the variations of the word, or a specific spelling of a particular word, you can put it in quotation marks by itself. As an editor I use Google Scholar (GS) as a research tool quite often to check on spelling, nomenclature, and other style points. It is very likely that we have them or can get them for you. Another good use of Google Scholar is if you are doing more historical research: through agreements with University Libraries, Google has incorporated lots of journals dating from the early 20th century (and older) and applied OCR technology to make these fully searchable--many of which are not fully indexed (or indexed at all) in more traditional databases which have a more contemporary coverage. You’d better have two or three search terms to narrow the search, otherwise, the desired article will be buried in junk. But for day-to-day information retrieval users need a service in which they can undertake their own searching of full-text databases and then select the text they recognize as being relevant to their needs. I didn’t see this save button anywhere on my search result. The academic community may be wary of too close a relationship between publicly-funded and commercial services. There are social platform components embedded across the first four benefits discussed that help users to expand their research resources, networking, collaborations, and exposure. Google is a commercial company with a high profile, and its commercial success does not depend on the academic sector. Google Scholar is an easy to use research tool.

Open access content presents a search engine with low-hanging fruit for easy picking. Citations and cross-references are easy to retrieve. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. For example:(cotton OR gossypium) glyphosate. complete or accurate. Getting Indexed in International Citation Databases. Into this sea the user has to plunge in order to find a quantity of information that is minute by comparison with the whole, but of great importance to the user's need.

This revolution in the behavior of people from every academic generation has crept up on us.

Concerns and uncertainty remain, however, about Google's definition of "scholarly" in determining inclusion or exclusion, and also about the currency of the content. This already happens with search engines when we choose not to select the first item on the results screen but go instead to the second or third item if the description is closer to our requirements both in content and in format. The development of both open access and a search service like Google Scholar have the potential to shake the foundations of the information world. The Scirus service makes a virtue of limited content by challenging science users to find content more relevant to their needs through Scirus than through a wider Google search.

Our preferences amongst databases often reflect our personal experiences in searching for information: how we search and what we find useful.

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