White actually measured the body parts of a group of Blacks and whites, lending the semblance of hard science to his conclusions. He described each racial category in physical terms, identifying what he thought were differences in the head, feet, arms, complexion, skin colour, hair texture, and susceptibility to disease. Since then it has had a variety of meanings in the languages of the Western world. Moreover, geographically widely separated populations vary from one another in only about 6 to 8 percent of their genes. ", Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Such distinctive features are associated with large, geographically separated populations, and these continental aggregates are also designated as races, as the “African race,” the “European race,” and the “Asian race.” Many people think of race as reflective of any visible physical (phenotypic) variations among human groups, regardless of the cultural context and even in the absence of fixed racial categories. It should be remembered here that no classification of human races has been considered as universally valid. When statistical profiles of one group were compared with those of others, one could theoretically determine the degree of their racial differences. As understanding about the science of race has grown, scientists have begun dropping the term "race" in favor of the less derogatory "human variation. Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Samuel Morton, a Philadelphia physician and founder of the field of craniometry, collected skulls from around the world and developed techniques for measuring them. His findings magnified and exaggerated the differences between racial populations, imposing meaning on the differences that led to the conclusion that they were separate species.

Human genome testing, however, has established this is not necessarily true. The use of metrical descriptions, while they seemed objective and scientific, fostered typological conceptions of human group differences. Traditionally, people have been racially classified based on their appearance. He included humans with the primates and established the use of both genus and species terms for identification of all animals. Some scientists used the term race for subspecies, subdivisions of the human species which were presumed sufficiently different biologically that they might later evolve into separate species. The data on race were derived from answers to the question on race that was asked of individuals in the United States. In fact, DNA analyses have proved that all humans have much more in common, genetically, than they have differences. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Slavery always creates social distance between masters and slaves, and intellectuals are commonly called upon to affirm and justify such distinctions.

During the Civil War the U.S. Sanitary Commission and the provost marshall general’s office collected data on the physical condition of military conscripts and volunteers in the army, navy, and marines. One result of the mid-19th-century concern with documenting racial distinctions by means of body measurements was the establishment of the “scientific” enterprise of anthropometry. The lack of concurrence on the meaning and identification of races continued into the 21st century, and contemporary scientists are no closer to agreement than their forebears. Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? The term race has also been applied to linguistic groups (the “Arab race” or the “Latin race”), to religious groups (the “Jewish race”), and even to political, national, or ethnic groups with few or no physical traits that distinguish them from their neighbours (the “Irish race,” the “French race,” the “Spanish race,” the “Slavic race,” the “Chinese race”, etc.).
Experts have suggested a range of different races varying from 3 to more than 60, based on what they have considered distinctive differences in physical characteristics alone (these include hair type, head shape, skin colour, height, and so on). In 1799 Charles White, a Manchester physician, published the earliest proper “scientific” study of human races.

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