Here are four tips on what to look for early on for developing a winning game plan. It’s like playing zone versus playing man-to-man in football. It allows the mid court player to adjust to the quality of their partners return.

Before moving on to more advanced strategy, let us first understand the basics of doubles tennis strategy. Your email address will not be published. It’s a great technique used in doubles games to confuse your opponents.

I like to use this technique as a lob return. You can learn a lot about your opponent starting at the warm up. Let me give you an example: Imagine a scenario wherein your baseline opponent floats a groundstroke over the net and you decide to catch it on the volley. Learn the best court positions for doubles success—and when to utilize each for optimal effect. Most doubles players often carry a misconception that harder works better in a doubles competition, no it doesn’t. or This game is designed to give each player practice at all the doubles positions. One of the most aggressive strategies used in doubles tennis, poaching is a great way to keep your opponents off balance and quickly win points. If you target that area, it causes great confusion among your opponents as they don’t know how to deal with it. Careers Most club players are very familiar with the standard one up, one back formation and may occasionally use the two back on return formation, but there are a few others you should practice and become familiar with to give your opponents a different look and influence their stroke placement. In doubles, you want to make extensive use of the doubles alley and target the center of the court to try and cause confusion between the players on the other team. Doubles tennis is not about beating down the line. Official doubles rankings of the ATP World Tour, featuring the world's top ranked doubles players in men's professional tennis. Thus, by executing a powerful shot when deep in the court would only result in an impressive reply from your opponent. Image Credit: Western Reserve Racquet & Fitness Club. Last updated on May 5, 2020 by Julian Leave a Comment. This makes the returner think twice about the return location not knowing which way the servers net player will cover. Mind you, as your partner moves forward, you must quickly cover the space so there’s no open space. Learn the three must-have strokes you need for doubles -- and three you don't.
The net players pictures are aaggressivley positioned to maximize their ability to poach the middle of the court. This changes the serving teams attack strategy from pounding the ball through the middle or net player to using angles to win the point from net. Doubles tennis is not about beating down the line.

Even in today's fast-paced game, opportunities still exist to attack the net. ( Log Out /  Thus, bait your opponents into taking the risk. Anticipation along with the initial shot is key to score points. Footwork: The Foundation for Success. Good net players in this formation give up at least half the ally to their opponents. The most common mistake that amateurs often make is that they stick to the line and position. As an added bonus the server (if right handed) is running into a forehand. Allowing your opponents to get comfortable in doubles in a death sentence. This simple strategy wins more sets than all other bright ideas combined. and/or its affiliates and licensors. Mix up your formations in practice and you will be better able to adjust to your opponents style of play and influence their shot selection even before the serve is hit. Thus, here’s a general volley rule that you should follow: Attack the net player when the volley is high and hit soft shots when the volley is low. You can use this weakness and exploit it to gain an edge over your opponents. And it's actually quite simple.

Try not to play offensive when defending. If you see doubles game, you’d see that there’s a considerable space between your opposing partners.

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