He is also the new master of Mayu.

The shrine is named after Sugawara no Michizane. [1] In the years after the war, the shrine was rebuilt with more modern materials, such as concrete. The shrine is a 15-minute walk from Kameido Station on the Sobu Line, or a 15-minute walk from Kinshicho Station on the Sobu or Hanzomon lines. The Tenjin Matsuri takes place in and around Osaka Tenmangu Shrine. For weeping wisteria in the spring and blossoming chrysanthemums to brighten up your autumn, this beautiful shrine in downtown Tokyo is a must-visit. Please check the official event website for the latest updates on opening dates and times, prices, and other information. To placate the departed scholar's spirit, a number of shrines were built (including one in Kyoto, then the imperial capital) in his honor, with many shrines portraying Michizane as a kami; even after the disasters subsided, this tradition of honoring Michizane's skill continued and many more shrines were built in his name.

When the preparations are complete, men in red hats begin playing drums, signaling the start of the festivities. Regardless, many people from Tokyo paid homage to Michizane at the shrine between 1646 and 1945. Ukiyo-e master Hiroshige included a print of Kameido Tenjin in his "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo" series. A great poet and scholar, Sugawara is regarded as the patron god of students. Wisterias begin blooming in late April. Japanese Bathing Culture Uncovered—A Guide to Sento, Kameido Station | North Exit | 15 min on foot, Kinshicho Station | North Exit | 15 min on foot. Kameido Tenjin Shrine has been called the best place in Tokyo to see wisteria in bloom. And, he was an official in the Emperor's court. In addition to admiring the pink and white blossoms, you can also pick up yummy snacks or catch musical performances around the shrine. These wisteria vines were planted during the Edo period (1603-1867). Kameido Tenjin Shrine, also known as Shitamachi-no Tenjin-sama (Tenjin shrine of downtown Tokyo) has an incredibly beautiful setting including ponds and a wonderful arched bridge—right in the center of Tokyo.

Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine is easily accessible from Higashi Umeda, Nishi Umeda, and JR Kitashinchi and Osaka stations, being just a 5-10 minute walk from each.

Despite a long and successful career serving multiple Japanese emperors, Michizane was eventually demoted from his position in the imperial court by the political machinations of Fujiwara no Tokihira. [1], "Kameido Tenjin Shrine - An Impressive Shrine Worth a Visit", "Kameido Tenjin Shrine | Travel Japan - The Official Japan Guide", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kameido_Tenjin_Shrine&oldid=886476367, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 March 2019, at 14:45. Kameido Tenjin Shrine is a Japanese Tenman-gu shrine located in Kameido, Koto Ward, Tokyo. Bursting with pink plum trees in late winter and purple wisteria in spring, it is no surprise that this shrine was chosen as one of the "100 Famous Views of Edo.

Click on the heart button in the article to add a page from this site to My Favorites. Kameido Tenjin Shrine is dedicated to the god of scholarship, attracting students of all ages who call on higher powers to help them pass their exams. Young girls often buy ema plaques here that are shaped like the face of a geisha. The plum festival takes over the grounds from February to mid-March. The Shinto belief that aggrieved human spirits can animate forces of nature underlies the origins of Kyoto’s Kitano Tenjin Shrine (Kitano Tenmangū), dedicated to the scholar-poet and statesman Sugawara no Michizane (845–903), who died in exile after having been slandered by enemies at court. Ohatsu Tenjin is probably the most accessible shrine and market area in the Kita and Umeda area. For start and finish times, visit the official website. At this shrine quietly nestled among the office buildings, the soul of … The shrine is also called Ohatsu-no-Tenjin after the heroine of the story, and there is a love sanctuary within the grounds where you can pray before a statue of the ill-fated couple. Bursting with pink plum trees in late winter and purple wisteria in spring, it is no surprise that this shrine was chosen as one of the "100 Famous Views of Edo." Please check official facility or event websites for the latest updates and information. For centuries children and anxious parents have been coming to pray at this shrine, hoping for good grades and admission to top universities. [1][2], Every year on 25 January, the custodians of the shire present a carved good luck charm to a visitor. The Tenjin Matsuri begins on July 24 with rituals at the shrine and river, a shishimai lion dance, and prayers for Osaka's safety and prosperity.

Share your travel photos with us by hashtagging your images with #visitjapanjp, Kameido Tenjin Shrine is dedicated to the god of scholarship, attracting students of all ages who call on higher powers to help them pass their exams. [1][3], The Kameido Tenjin Shrine was built in Tokyo in 1646.

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