This lesson focuses on the rule of footwork in Netball. It is certain to advance your game to a higher level. Give these basic netball marking drills a try in your practice session. Netball Footwork Drills. Use the list of netball exercises to improve your defensive and interception techniques. e��|d�צ��V���.V;�q�e�b�0�l� �$�P`���J�bk]��m�T�&�v7X2%���I��U They are the one-foot landing and the two footed landing drills. Use these basic netball drills before stepping into a real game situation. You will see huge improvements in your defensive and interception skills. Pivot. Ground other foot quickly. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the ball. 1 | Footwork and Movement Skills INITIAL STANCE Forms the starting point for most attacking and defending skills. ��.�J4��q��C89P��-�GFO�Ťy/|���L���R�H�PB��$̤��ax�nX��sSw�h=�,M��bd�LS������,���k�CBE��3�q��c�r�E�[�b*Nh���H;`i+�4V�HXNE8�q������ ���l��y��y������롖L�σ�$ �T�>�t`JVơ���*��/x����-�^�bL)�jU��UDt��tǥ�:�sW� ��=�ҿaq*�� s���>i֛�=}y?��Hcpˤf�x-�,�Nڦ_n�fK��!nn>'4��j��R$�8�����;~Ӭ��J��!\��51*B�����S��`"�8 � f[��G�O�$;Qm̖����VC*��6fI�tK +��-����M�d��ic�����"�� C�ҍaд`+4�17G[v���f2RQ�d��N�(��� �"��"�>�wj��R Run towards the ball and jump by extending the legs and ankles. Basketball Lesson Plan – Shooting. �(Fy%;pGCnKFO�'���P��DYQlH�c��M7����� All players want to have fast footwork in netball. TRENDING: The New 2014 PE National Curriculum: Assessment Without... Assessment without Levels in Physical Education. Players cannot slide or drag the landing foot. bhNO����T��� ���~rz���o�+J#�T�B- ��@�;!��C����c�Ê��E�O�`L9�h��%+�Yʫ'���G��q���5�٦��?��m��u���1�r�>�� -�����!��E�t). Bring your hands out in front of your body at chest height with fingers spread open and pointing up. These essential skills and step-by-step resources will explain the techniques required to successfully perform a range of actions in netball. 4 0 obj Landing on one foot and making a step with the other is within the rules of netball. Bend at hips, knees and ankles. ��P���{�хA�`�``������+հ�I^�L�G8cC1߲k��1��aM�+� P��Ńj�M��u�it|�r��=�������U�/�`G�Q�s;�~����)�r�EL��X\���Ds��KK9�N�z.0�*'[���y�cҲ�}A�����Kף$�CB� x�' H8~d:��,��wS�i��I 6\8P�h�,�r;5˄t-�YiT��u��z U�UPi�#��E{bC"YC���t9�@},�1�r�k��f��G�8����3�r�W#�y5b

They teach the basic defensive obstruction skills of 'three feet marking'.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'theukrules_co_uk-leader-1','ezslot_4',117,'0','0'])); Trainers should teach novice players how close to stand while marking an opponent. The pivoting action is a swivel movement that allows the player to move on a fixed axis to either pass or shoot. Learn to shoot these 4 netball shooting drills to help improve your scoring accuracy in the circle. Bring the ball into your body to protect it. But, they can jump from one foot to another if they release the ball between the jumps.

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