New exercise are posted monthly, so check back often, or follow on Feedly, Twitter, or your favorite RSS reader. The first example conversation takes place in person between two friends (Otto and Willi) who have not seen each other for a long time. Why German? ), Lisa: Okay. Check out the top seven websites for German listening practice! Katherine Schober’s unique approach to education encompasses multiple learning styles, allowing each student to absorb information in the way that suits him or her best. During this second listen, feel free to write notes for specific details. Click here to get a copy. I truly believe you can learn the handwriting, and that you will enjoy that sense of accomplishment you feel from deciphering your own ancestors' documents. Junge oder Mädchen? credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. There are a number of samples that have been very helpful; especially with Katherine vocalizing and pointing out the letters. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. After enrolling, you have access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. I’m now well into this course and I remain absolutely delighted! - Don R. The best decision I've made for my genealogical efforts: Want to become that cool genealogy cousin who can read some of those old German script documents - that others can only see as scribble, but you can decipher? The coursework is relevant and aimed towards the genealogical terms you will encounter and there are many tips and tidbits along the way. In this lesson, we will look at a few brief conversations in German that could take place between friends. Since these exams are meant to test a learner’s competence after a Leaving Cert German course, this resource is most ideal for learners who are at least at the intermediate level. The course is divided into three sections: Section A: Learn to Sight-Read the Individual Letters of the Alphabet, Section B: Discover the Must-Know Vocabulary in German Genealogy Records. We then looked at two Gespräche (conversations) that took place between friends - one about Frau (wife) and Kind (child), and the other about ins Kino gehen (going to the movies). I have searched for the ones with the least messy handwriting and am slowly tackling them one by one just like a detective. can take anywhere.

I will still need to practice and this course allows you to practice, test yourself, and review. I’ve noticed such an improvement in what I can read and understand of my ancestors’ records. Do the lessons and exercises and then review the lessons. Meaning 'long time no see,' lange nicht gesehen is what Freunde (friends) might say to each other if they have not seen each other eine lange Zeit (a long time). Also helpful, though not focused on the ecclesiastical, is her other book, Tips and Tricks of Deciphering German Handwriting. By the time I had finished, I felt confident enough to study and begin translating the entire record!
Then I became aware of Katherine Schober’s on-line course.

Practice: Use the chart below to spell your name (first and last names) in German, using the German alphabet and the German spelling code ( Buchstabiertafel). The right German listening practice can help you avoid every German learner’s nightmare. This is also a great resource to practice German listening with transcripts, because each lesson comes with transcriptions of the audio in both German and English as well as a PDF of comprehension and grammar activities to test your understanding of the content. Hörverstehen (listening comprehensions), of course! If you are not satisfied with the course within 30 days of purchase, you will receive a full refund. ('The shack'. To make the most out of listening comprehensions, make sure to use good headphones and limit distractions such as other people and noises—and especially the internet or social media websites. Listening is vital to speaking and conversing in German.

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