152. quantum mutates ab illo: how changed from what he once was He merely simplified the task of preparing this post for online publication by omitting diacritical marks, which must be separately entered with HTML coding. 31. arrectis auribus: with ears pricked up

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", Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish? Not just a "good" dream; the opposite of a nightmare. #164 was correct before the above “correction” , Errors I noticed:

34. au fait: to the point (socially correct)

132. pax vobiscum: peace be with you Useful vocabulary List for competitive and academic exams. Faire une scène : to make a scene// Tous frais payès : all expenses paid// Tout à vous/ tout de même// tranche de vie/ ventre à terre, L’esprit de l’escalier refers to that “Darn it!” feeling you get when you think of the witty comeback you should have made as you trudge up the stairs on the way back from your big night out…, I would make this persnickety little correction: In #28 you translate “aras” as “alters.” The Latin word “ara” (as in the constellation) means “altar.”.

90. homme d’esprit: witty man 5. a bras ouverts: with open arms

59. coup d’essai: experiment This word captures that special look shared between two people, when both are wishing that the other would do something that they both want, but neither want to do.

55. concordia discors: discordant harmony The Danes know her, too.

à bon chat, bon rat// à bouche ouverte// à bras ouverts// à coup sûr// à l’abandon// à la belle étoile// à huis clos// à la page : in fashion// à merveille : perfectly, wonderfully// au grand sérieux : in all seriousness// aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait// bon gré, al gré// coûte que coûte// crise de nerfs : nervous breakdown// de bonne grâce : graciously// esprit de l’escalier// faux-naïf : someone faking innocence// malade imaginaire : hypochondriac// metteur en scène/ peu à peu// peu d’occasion : few opportunities//pièce justificative// pièce montée : wedding cake//point de repère//raison d’état//sans gène : about someone who has no social grace//sans peur et sans reproche : without fear or shame// scène à faire : obligatory scene. 186. suaviter in modo, fortiter in re: gently in manner, strongly in deed Literally, "stairwell wit"—a too-late retort thought of only after departure. 49. cause sine qua non -> causa sine qua non 110. meum et tuem => tuum This one is for an impractical dreamer with no business sense. 7. a coup sur: with sure stroke (surely) 207. tout ensemble: all together

69. de mal en pis: from bad to worse

110. meum et tuem: mine and yours

Deo favente: with God’s favor What are some foreign words that have a nice deep meaning? 112. mole ruit sua: it collapses from its own size

141. plus royaliste que le roi: more royalist than the king I realize that this omission, common in online content, compromises the integrity of the language.

Language is so beautiful to me. Yeehaa that’s a good one!

74. dies faustus: lucky day

There is a difference between an a and an à, between an e and an é, between an o and an ø.

211. tristesse: melancholy 149. pro patria: for one’s country I think there are a couple of typos in the list.

This Japanese slang term describes the experience of seeing a woman who appears pretty from behind but not from the front.

42. bellum omnium contra onnes: war of all against all 121. novus ordo seclorum: a new cycle of the ages

c: Answer Save. 1. ab incunabulis: from the cradle

51. comedie humaine: human comedy (the whole variety of human life)

115. mysterium tremendum: overwhelming mystery

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