... With the Firefox Focus great update some of my extensions' settings were oblitared and all the notes I took with this one disappeared. QuickNote lets you open notes in separate tabs, in a floating window (“sticky notes“-style) or in the sidebar. The only one I know closest to my expectations is called precisely ‘Note Taker’ and available for Firefox (at least). From lightweight snippets to full-fledged note management, these note-taking addons vary in functionality and complexity. It's perfect (or would be) except that notes don't Sync from one computer to another. She's a Linux user & KDE fan interested in startups, productivity and personal branding. Note Taker 1.2.7 (note-taker@r01) uBlock Origin 1.19.6 (uBlock0@raymondhill.net) IObit Surfing Protection & Ads Removal 2.2.0 (ascsurfingprotectionnew@iobit.com) (Inactive) I do want to add the ability to sync to other services eventually, but nothing is concrete yet. Capture notes, share them with others, and access them from your computer, phone or tablet. The “Archive” and “Trash bin” options let you manage completed and discarded tasks. You can also tweak their appearance – change the size, color, the default position and translucency. Finally, there’s the Note Manager which lets you find notes by content keywords and edit properties for each note, including their position, color and visibility parameters. If you rely on cloud-based services to store your scribbles, QuickFox might be a welcome addition to your browser.

Free with a Google account. Readers who dislike beta-stage software might wonder why I even included foxyNotes on this list. Ivana Isadora is a freelance writer, translator and copyeditor fluent in English, Croatian and Swedish. If not stated otherwise, they can be installed from the official Firefox addons website by clicking the familiar, green “Add to Firefox” button. Firefox Browser Add-ons.

Very interesting. This addon offers plenty of options that are easy to manage. The biggest problem is the fact that notes can’t be saved; when you restart Firefox, none of your notes from previous sessions are preserved, which, admittedly, defeats the whole purpose of note-taking. Internote is not particularly original, but it’s stable and visually attractive enough to be a decent note-taking solution for Firefox.

make it stay in the same position while you scroll), you can pin it by hovering over the note’s border and pressing the pin button. Storage: Required to persistently save notes and options Here Are the Fixes. Adds a text box to a toolbar button for taking notes. apps and extensions we previously reviewed. Among other things, QuickNote lets you choose a folder and a filename for each note. You can create new notes through the “Tools” menu or by pressing “Ctrl + Alt + N”. © 2020 Uqnic Network Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. Here Are 7 Ways to Fix it. Find out what other users think about Note Taker and add it to your Firefox Browser.

Now it’s time to look at what Firefox offers. The most interesting one is support for Markdown formatting of your notes. If you think this add-on violates Mozilla's add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form.

Great for quick-and-dirty notes, because the notes can be displayed side-by-side with the source page. Each note opens as a small but separate window, so they are not visible on the webpage itself; rather, you have to make each note the active window to make any changes. Click the toolbar button and a pop-up with a text box will open. The Preferences dialog lets you perform basic adjustments to the size, color and font of your notes. Permissions. As of this moment, 31 reviews precede mine, and all of the issues -- even the ones that are only a few days old -- seem to be resolved. The problem is I can't follow the URL when it's too long for the little icon on the right to be visible. Also, please create this for chrome web browser too.

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