Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The difference in time scales between each dream state seemed to bear this out. Leave the bubble sheets behind and lets start an exam revolution! Twitter provides a fire hose of data. Creative Final Exam Ideas. For these unconventional final exams, let each student invent a video game for your material, planning out obstacles, levels, bonuses, and bad guys. 20 Creative Project Ideas to Reawaken Your Right Brain. Student choice is a POWERFUL motivator so consider a choice board with several options from which they choose their own exam. This project would investigate how this would work (do the queries have to be in different transactions? One of the features of CarTel is a GUI for browsing geo-spatial data collected from cars. Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. If you have limited access to technology like I do, here is a link to how I solved the problem! I read the book the giver pretty good book :].

However, they have a series of unusual restrictions and performance. Draw on their natural leaning toward all things digital and social—have them show their understanding of the course by creating a YouTube channel for it. How much will Tamara have to​ pay? Spanish 2 and AP Spanish teacher Victoria O’Connor prefers a final exam, because of the structure of the AP Spanish class and the AP exam itself. Final Project. I simply told her to record me opening presents and to stop when she felt that we had enough footage. Modify, remix, and reuse (just remember to cite OCW as the source.

Get your project for final year along with all the guidance and training you could ever need to score well for your project along with NevonProjects. A dancer/tumbler/athlete might highlight the need for physical movement in the classroom. 7. The only requirement is that they be related to something we have studied in this class and that they contain some element of research — e.g., that you do more than simply engineer a piece of software that someone else has described or architected. » Scientific community data management requirements significantly differ from regular web/enterprise ones. ‘Tis the season for final exams. Movie buffs, athletes, artists… You name it, your kids have cool interests that they can cultivate together.

Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The video above is part two of four of my independent learning project. The project will investigate the impact of local-vs-networked storage on query performance. You can find more information at the ABC Web site. This type of final assessment can then be showcased during the final exam period. so that students are able to choose HOW they will share what they have learned. For the final entry in my independent learning project I knew that I had to make it better than the previous three. Performance monitoring is an important portion of data-center and database management.

First I once again take out my phone and go to the time lapse option in my camera app. 1. To this purpose a specialized DB is currently being developed named: SciDB.

Here are a few ways to change the style of your final so that it more accurately reflects what your students know. If you start from that point, you’ll be able to create a meaningful final that truly shows what your students know, not what they memorized the night before. Hosted database services such as Amazon RDS, Microso SQL Azure are starting to become popular. Encourage them to find a way to connect their passions to your course.

Let them decide how to present their final project to you and the class on exam day—with a Powerpoint, a display board, a booklet, or a video.

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