When you put two of these characters together, producing 人人 (rén rén), the meaning is “everyone.” For example: 人人都爱喝可乐。 (rén rén dōu ài hē kě lè) Everyone loves drinking soda. All words have carefully written definitions and examples that will help you understand how a word is used. English is an international language and one that’s vastly taught in China. This may be one of the most useful Chinese phrases of all. Just having this date in your calendar will win you some major points. Here are two examples of how to use this character: Notice how the shape of this character points upwards, towards the sky. It could be a great way to learn about the person you’re conversing with. Chinese translation: 你常来这儿吗? FluentU brings Chinese to life with real-world videos. Speaking of…, Another common greeting, and small variation of ‘Ni-hao-ma.’, Chinese translation: Xièxie. First, you’ll be learning about Mandarin Chinese, the “standard” dialect. Send a friend or co-worker your love if you know that they’re sick or injured.
FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Here are some of the many ways to use it: 先生 (xiān shēng) mister; e.g. 你好吗.
Plus, we’ll give you tons of more advanced vocabulary that build from these easy Chinese characters.

Here are the names of January through March: Can you tell that this character looks like a mountain range? You might have to use a little imagination, but in ancient bronze script, this character was more circular like the sun. Here are a couple more instances using this character: This character kind of looks like a lady with her legs crossed. In today’s post, we’ll share with you the most basic Chinese words and phrases you should know as a beginner. This particular greeting is used when answering a phone call. When we combine 大 with another character we just learned (人) we get 大人 (dà rén) which means “adult,” or literally, “big man.” However, FYI, a child isn’t called “little man.”. (… zhōngwén zěnme shuō). You’ll find them easy to remember as well, since some of the characters actually resemble their meaning. There’s also 王子 (wáng zǐ), which means “prince.”. Here are more cases of the character for “rice”: 白米 (bái mǐ) white rice or refined rice for eating. (nǐ zùo shén me yàng de gōng zùo). Chinese translation: 生日快乐 [生日快樂] (shēngrì kuàilè), Kind of like ‘Shang-ri-la’ the hotel but with ‘Shen.’, Chinese translation: 恭喜發財 [恭喜发财] (gōngxǐ fācái). Always a useful Mandarin phrase to know if someone is talking too fast. ), This one goes without saying in just about any language, as you can imagine , Chinese translation: 你是哪國人? It also refers to leaving or getting off someplace.

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