The Dragon Clan’s greatest treasure! Impressum Haftungsausschluss Datenschutz.

Dragon Pearl. If you encounter any errors or dead links, please email me. Some content is based on ISFDB data which is available under a creative commons license. Featured in Richard Horton’s ‘The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2012’. To prevent the dragon from exterminating mankind in retaliation, Merlin set wards that forced the dragon into the depths of a mountain cave in Wales. Impressum Haftungsausschluss Datenschutz. Featured in Gardner Dozois’s ‘Year’s Best SF’, Twenty-Ninth Edition. Dragon Pearl is a standalone novel written by Yoon Ha Lee and published by Rick Riordan Presents. Along the way, she’ll encounter space pirates, a sinister tiger spirit captain, ghosts, and more–perhaps even the legendary Dragon Pearl with its ability to terraform worlds.

Dragon Pearl is a middle grade Korean mythology space opera: the heroine is Min, a fox spirit who runs away from her impoverished planet to solve the mystery of her missing brother.

Featured in Richard Horton’s ‘The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2011’. It was released on January 15, 2019. Some content is based on ISFDB data which is available under a creative commons license. Other awards, including the Retro Hugos, are not covered), Show all award-winning/ award-nominated fiction. (These numbers refer to awards for best novel, novella, novelette and short story only! Featured in Gardner Dozois’s ‘Year’s Best SF’, Twenty-Eighth Edition. Dragon Pearl! To prevent the dragon from escaping, one of Merlin's blood and another of dragon's blood, plus … Only the Dragon Emperor could possess the Dragon Pearl, moreover, there was only one Dragon Pearl! by Yoon Ha Lee Store Select Amazon Apple Books Barnes & Noble Books-A-Million Bookshop Indigo Available Formats ebook & print Buy Now A sci-fi adventure novel about Min, a teenage fox spirit, who runs away to solve the mystery of what happened to her older brother and ends up saving her planet. Comments and new links are always appreciated, but see my link policy! Jun would never desert his battle cruiser, even for a mystical object rumored to have tremendous power. Directions : Author Yoon Ha Lee uses many examples of figurative language throughout Dragon Pearl to paint vivid and memorable scenes from Min’s adventures. Featured in Hartwell & Cramers’s ‘Year’s Best SF 17’. World Fantasy Award Nomination for Best Short Story 2014. This Dragon Pearl was more valuable than any amount of dragon eggs, Dragon Blood Crystals, and Divine Dragon Pills, even these real dragon experts’ bodies! If you encounter any errors or … She decides to run away to find him and clear his name. When word arrives that Jun is suspected of leaving his post to go in search of the Dragon Pearl, Min knows that something is wrong.

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