Google+ is the awkward social media thing from the search engine giant that everybody’s heard of but few are unsure exactly what to make of. Let us know what we missed on twitter or facebook. I had students in every grade, and although I had been trained in PowerPoint and could make slides up pretty fast, there weren’t enough hours in the day to prep a good PP presentation for each grade. Privacy Statement, Shared foundations: Inquire, Curate, Include, KidLitTV offers in depth interviews with authors and illustrators. This website uses cookies. Digital learning is at the heart of Pearson English’s products, and now you can choose how you want to integrate digital tools into your classroom, to support learning, manage your classroom or facilitate online practice. Follow Teaching with #DigHist, a new Perspectives Daily series geared toward instructors at every level who are thinking about using digital history projects in their classrooms.

Some people use Evernote for a few days and are underwhelmed by its lack of flash, but Evernote is whatever you want it to be, and that kind of flexibility makes it the perfect tool for the 21st century teacher. It covers traditional text resources, multimedia, video and interactives. Whether you use it for a flipped classroom, blended learning environment, for project-based learning, or to  personalized learning for struggling or gifted learners, it is essentially an online course catalogue of diverse academic content.

Extracting data from the internet is like trying to listen to the subtle melody of a Korn song. Digital storytelling is a great way for teachers to encourage the creative use of technology in learning. Vibrant illustrations engage students as they read the story and practice their Spanish skills. This list is not meant to be exhaustive (obviously), or even authoritative (but rather, subjective). Months after this post is published 2-3 of these tools could be outdated, and if this turns up in the Google search results of a query in 2018, they may seem downright laughable, but here and now, this is a fairly accurate litmus test of what the kinds of tools the average 21st century teacher can be expected to use and master. We use LinkedIn to ensure that our users are real professionals who contribute and share reliable content. Projeqt. Use the mobile app, your web browser, or the computer-based app. For a tool to qualify as “digital” it must be accessible remotely (website, app, etc.). Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers And Students. As technology continues to advance in society, there will be plenty of new social media sites and other tools students will use in and out of the classroom. The TalkingPoints app creates easier connections with parents via text messages directly to mobile devices and in their native languages. Digital storytelling is a great way for teachers to encourage the creative use of technology in learning. Organize by notebook, literary genre, class, student, academic year. Common Core Tools and Resources - offers an overview of the new standards but provides a thoughtful framework for how the standards were determined and what we can reasonably expect students at given Find, choose and compare the top eLearning Content Development Companies for K12! ActiveTeach also provides access to full class audio, printable worksheets, interactive exercises, assessment activities, tests and interactive whiteboard tools. ActiveTeach either comes on a DVD or as a downloadable zip file within your course on the Pearson English Portal. Cloud-Based Word Processors (e.g., Google Drive). By allowing you to save academic research artifacts with a single click, with access to a library of citation support materials, Zotero reminds us all that citing sources is more complicated than a hat tip, and collecting those works cited pages are an important part of the academic and social learning process. From essays and discussion questions to glossaries and up-to-date reading lists, World101 provides comprehensive teaching resources for each of our modules. Privacy Statement, Shared foundations: Inquire, Curate, Explore, Zoom is an easy-to-use tool that provides video and/or voice meetings, conference rooms, webinars, and chats with file sharing abilities using desktops, mobile devices, and phones. Privacy Statement, Shared foundations: Inquire, Include, Explore, Curate, Parlay Ideas’ is a robust discussion tool, fostering deep understanding, equitable collaboration, and mindful reflection, in both live and asynchronous learning environments. RSS or Social Readers (e.g., Flipboard). Designed with offline capabilities, Reader+ offers a perfect solution for areas with low bandwidth and schools with unreliable Internet access. AnswerGarden A tool for online brainstorming or polling, educators can use this real-time tool to see … for teachers.

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