Stir well and add a few ice cubes. 10. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published here. This water filled vegetable is a perfect choice then. You must have heard people suffering from high blood pressure. acid which is a …, We wear sunglasses to keep the bright sunshine out of our eyes. I regularly consume this lauki juice during the summer months, since this drink is consisted a cool effect to the body.

Lauki juice is beneficial for improving the digestive system. If you are suffering from insomnia, try mixing sesame oil with lauki juice. – Filter this in cotton cloth to separate juice. – Add 125 gram of water so as to make it 250 grams. PUNE: A healthy 41-year-old woman with no underlying medical condition recently died in the city after consuming bottle gourd juice, reinforcing …

Take the fresh bottle gourd and peel the skin of the veggie and make the bottle gourd into small pieces.   2.

If you are suffering from health issues like profuse sweating, fatigue or diarrhea, than drinking a glass of lauki juice would prove to be extremely good for you. This benefit of bottle gourd is due to the presence of vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, phytochemicals, etc. Lauki juice naturally helps to replace the water content lost and at the same time, controls extreme thirst, which is common among diabetic patients. 2. Bottle gourd name comes because of its shape.

Drinking the juice of bottle gourd or lauki has amazing benefits. Bottle gourd helps to treat urinary tract infection. Thanks for sharing. Bottle gourd helps to reduce the blood sugar levels.

If you are suffering from health issues like profuse sweating, fatigue or diarrhea, then drinking a glass of lauki juice would prove to be extremely good for you. Juice Recipe

Dried bottle gourd are widely used up as bottle, pipes, and utensils. Bottle gourd is a very common Indian vegetable full of nutritional value. What I am about to tell you may be so unbelievable, that you will think that it is a Twilight Zone episode. Some other names of bottle gourd are a long melon, suzza melon, and Tasmania bean etc. It has very less amount of calories fat and cholesterol.Bottle gourd (doodhi/ lauki) is getting popular throughout the world due to its remedial properties. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 9. In this blog that is exactly what you’re going to find….tried and tasted recipes from many different cultural backgrounds. …, Immortal cancerous lifeforms including the infamous He-La cell and the A-549 cell line as well as others are the real modern zombie horror show that …, Posted Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 06:02pm EDT, Keywords: Bottle gourd, diabetes, health, weight loss.


Bottle gourd contains not only soluble fiber, but also insoluble fiber along with high water content. Cucumber: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value, Mango-The King of Fruits has Incredible Health Benefits.

Water as required. Lauki combats excessive thirst in diabetic patients. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As a result, this anti-oxidant drink is quite popular among health conscious individuals.

Besides this reason, many wear them as a popular accessary. I love ….no I’m passionate about learning, experimenting, testing, tasting, reading, watching and of course eating anything that is food related.

This simple and very economical vegetable is full of minerals and water. 10.

Since it is diuretic in nature, lauki juice flushes out the excess water content from the body. So it is the easily digestive food. Even one can be saved from bypass surgery! She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness.

One of the most significant uses is in heart problems. Caution

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But don’t bother—continue the dose. Don’t over-exert.
It also helps in treating problems related to digestive system like acidity and flatulence.

Black Pepper – 1-2 pinch Your email address will not be published. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. 1. Lauki or Dudhi is made up of 90% water therefore it’s very easy to digest and very beneficial for the health.

After this unfortunate case, a public advisory was issued to avoid such cases. Lauki juice can also be extracted using a juice extractor, no need to peel, just wash, cut into long thick slices and press through the extractor and drink the juice as is. So many are not interested to eat the recipes, curries prepared with this vegetable.

Moreover, this juice is believed to curb your appetite if you can manage to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. in them.

Lauki juice has low fat and low cholesterol. It is important to first taste a small piece of bottle gourd for bitterness. Drinking lauki juice is known to treat constipation effectively. In the beginning we were overwhelmed and totally excited to see that all the hard work put into maintaining the lauki plant was paying off. A decoction of Bottle gourd is used to treat of ascites, anasarca and beriberi.

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