. Similar forms are replicated based on genetic material passed from generation to generation. Get your official Big Historian sticker showing off your success. . c.4.5 billion years – Jupiter migrates inwards, preventing planet formation in the asteroid belt, and limiting the supply of material to Mars. BB + 1 second – expansion slows and different energies emerge (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak forces holding atomic nuclei together) matter emerges (dark matter, and atomic matter consisting of quarks and electrons) 1 billion years – First evidence of multicellular organisms. .

380,000 Years after the Big Bang – The Universe cools to 3000K and becomes “electrically neutral”, allowing nuclei to gain electrons and form fully fledged atoms, photons able to move freely, and the release of Cosmic Background Radiation

The universe now has stars and galaxies with substantial differences in temperature, density and gravitational energy. . Linking thresholds 1-3: 10^(-43) seconds after the Big Bang – 10 to the power of negative forty three seconds.

3.8 billion years – First chemical impressions of single-cell life

Planet formation: 4.52 billion years Impact of “Theia” and the formation of the Moon Emergence of planets and solar systems as materials and molecules orbiting stars undergo accretion to form planets. Planets and solar systems are chemically and structurally more complex than stars. 10^(-36) to 10^(-32) seconds after the Big Bang – Inflation, formation of the four fundamental forces of physics, quantum fluctuations create the tiny “wrinkles” in density that prevents the Universe from being totally homogenous and “stillborn” They frame the story and help you navigate through it.

Agraria – Neolithic Revolution, .

Threshold 9 Little Big History Samples Video Editing Other BH Related Topics History of Metals Threshold 2: Stars and Threshold 3: Elements ( Unit 3) Scale. The Next 10 seconds after the Big Bang – Quarks and anti-quarks, electrons and positrons combine and annihilate into energy, one-billion of quarks and electrons remain without a partner The universe. An idea that arose from a desire to go beyond specialized and self-contained fields of study to grasp history as a whole. Welcome. Moon forming impact To grasp the entirety of the Universe we divide Big History into eight "thresholds." The Earth is molten with an iron core, mantle and crust and, at first, no free oxygen. 1821-1825 Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas Brisbane, .

560 million years after the Big Bang – The first stars flare into life with galaxies forming soon after (approximately 500 million years after the Big Bang The smallest space of time that has any physical meaning; Planck time 4.567 billion years – Formation of the Sun and the beginning of the formation of our solar system. Neil De Grasse Tyson - On Not Feeling "Large" instead of "Small" in the Cosmos.

I began thinking about thresholds as I tried to help my students at San Diego State University prepare for an exam on big history. . 4.45 billion years – Terrestrial planets had largely formed by continual accretion of rocky protoplanets, and formed metal cores. Explore the Classroom site to make further connections. . You may proceed through the thresholds in consecutive order, from the Big Bang to the Future, or skip around bouncing from protostar to Pangaea, from Silica to the Silk Road. 4.54 billion years – Formation of the Earth Where to begin?

380,000 years after the Big Bang – The release of cosmic background radiation and the formation of electrically neutral atoms of hydrogen 4.56 billion years – Formation of the solar system .

Matter organises into systems that can harness energy to metabolise, reproduce, and adapt to their environments. 4.57 billion years – Gas cloud condenses, contracts, and increases rotation to form protoplanetary disk 4.2 billion years – Oldest rocks on Earth Hubble: Lesson in Perspective. We are not sure how life and DNA originated but it occurred in a chemically diverse environment with water, gentle energy flows, and no free oxygen.

The Next 3 Minutes – The Universe cools to the point that hydrogen and helium nuclei form from quarks (that formed into protons and neutrons)

4.54 billion years Accretion of planetesimals into the Earth Replication of forms permit change through interaction of the system with the environment. +10 million years – Solar wind clears out much of the gas disk, ending growth by gas accretion Scale of the Universe in a Speck of Dust . Amino acids are formed. Palaeolithic man had tools, religion and art but the lifestyle of the hunter-gatherer favoured small groups when large groups could harness the benefits of scale. 4.567 billion years Formation of the solar system It's a story about us.

BB + a few million years – uniform distribution of dark matter, energy, hydrogen, and helium atoms but very slight gradients in temperature. 1 billion-750 million years Formation of Rodinia

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