As you travel, anything can happen and you may end up in a pretty strange situation. Italian is also a relatively easy language for speakers of other Romance languages like Spanish, French, or Portuguese to learn. For this reason, I rank Arabic lower on my list of pertinent languages for a traveler to learn than Chinese Mandarin — which is only spoken in a few countries. Even the Chinese that is spoken in the north of China is very different than in the south; the Chinese that is spoken in Chinese communities throughout the world is often not Mandarin, the language that is being pushed as a standard in China. A regular dose of travel info & inspiration, delivered straight to your inbox ✈️, Photo credit: Fatima H., Academia Latino Alum, Photo credit: Bojana P., The Excellence Center Alum, Photo credit: Fox G., The Chinese Language Institute Alum, Photo credit: Fang X., Russian Studies in Real Russia Alum, Photo credit: Hannes D., The Excellence Center Alum, Photo credit: Patricia K., Scuola Virgilio Alum, Photo credit: Emily W., Edge Hill University Alum. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I place a big dividing line in this list between French and Chinese, as, for the traveler which wishes to girdle the globe, it is my impression that it is of much higher value to learn the first three languages than the later two. Without adequate language skills, you might get stuck in the tourist spots of a locale and miss out on the better cultural and local hotspots. Aside from being a critical language to know when traveling to Brazil, Portuguese is on the rise elsewhere in the world. Learning a foreign language becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Languages teach you history and reflect the influences of other cultures. There’s good news for all you aspiring language enthusiasts out there: You don’t have to be an international spy to be a polyglot.

Conclusion. He has been traveling the world since 1999, through 90 countries. What languages do you need to know to travel the world?

Spanish- 7% The language of nouvelle vague cinema and of authors from Victor Hugo to Marguerite Duras to Camara Laye, French will also invite learners into a world of rich, diverse culture. Do you pick the native language of your favorite author, or of people who work in your field? Russian is probably my choice for 6th most important language to learn for travel.

There are a number of reasons you might want to learn a second language, or third... or 10th! Whatever reasons you have, we believe these languages will open more of the world to you and help you achieve your professional and personal goals -- whatever they may be! The wily traveler learns to change quickly. Map of where Chinese Mandarin is the main language in China. English forms a bridge between cultures and languages that might otherwise have none. French- 28 countries. Russian is far from the easiest foreign language for English speakers to learn. We've crunched some numbers and looked at the options, and believe these are the best languages to learn in 2020 (and any time!). Correct, English is not the “official” language of the USA, but it is the official language of 28 states.

Korean's unique writing system, invented in the 15th century, has been dubbed one of the most phonologically faithful by linguists: the shapes of the letters mimic the shapes the speaker's mouth should take when pronouncing them. It is the common language, the language our laws are written in (well legaleze I guess) but English is not the official language. But it is still an incredibly important language to know in order to travel through some regions.

If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn languages with real-world videos.

English and Chinese, for instance, are spoken all across the world.

We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Do you pick a language that's spoken in your region, or in a region you want to visit? We have no official language. Oman. In Lebanon, they say they speak Lebanese, Syrians are said to speak Syrian — although the languages are really branches off of Arabic. © 2020 Enux Education Limited. French is spoken in many parts of Africa, Europe, the Americas, the Caribbean and countries in the Pacific. Some knowledge of Spanish will help you land a job in Spanish-speaking countries and will help you find local jobs that require bilingual Spanish speakers. If you don’t speak English well, it’s by far the most important language for you to learn.

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