Now, people all over Armenia enjoy splashing water on one another. Armenian Christmas 2020. Each year, Armenians enjoy a series of holidays from January 1st to January 6th bridging the period between the New Year and Armenian Christmas. Armenian Christmas 2020 | Holy Trinity Armenian Church. So, both Theophanies revealed by means of the Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ are celebrated in the Armenian Church jointly on January 6. There is no family who does not have relatives serving in the army, or worse- who does not know someone who died in the war.

They also typically go to church on Christmas. Required fields are marked *. It’s mandatory for Armenian families to have a pig’s thigh- khozi bud- on the table. The result at Parken Stadium against Albania means the Danes must beat Armenia in Yerevan tonight and Portugal in Braga next month to be assured of automatic qualification for France next summer. Mnatsakanyan and Lavrov discussed . Brenda and Ani . In 200, Easter Sunday will be on April 12th. YEREVAN — His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided over a Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters service celebrated on the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are plenty of great reasons why you should spend Christmas in Armenia. So, Armenians celebrate and honor the army with parades and a day off of work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is because of Christmas Day being a religious holiday in Armenia. Your email address will not be published.

It seems as though Armenians live for the holidays. On this day in 1915, Armenian intellectuals were rounded up and killed in Constantinople, which is why Armenians commemorate it on this day. PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian Church is celebrating Christmas on Monday, January 6. Following Christmas prayers delivered by Rev. Even if you don’t understand the meaning, that’s fine; getting involved in all the festivities is sure to give you an experience that you won’t forget. Despite all the difficulties Armenia has faced since then, Armenians gather in Yerevan for parades, concerts, and other fun activities, and fireworks show in the evening, to express their pride at finally being an independent country after centuries of statelessness. Right at the start of the 4th century, Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion. Here, we will only talk about the most important ones.

Making tabbouleh is a practice in patience. var sc_invisible=1; There are lots of cool events throughout the year to participate in while in Armenia. Armenians, unlike Western Christians, do not celebrate Christmas on December 25th; they celebrate Christmas on January 6th. Be sure to pay attention to when Armenian holidays are, because there’s no better time to visit Armenia than during the holidays! At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Blessing of the Waters Service is conducted symbolizing the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan at the commencement of His ministry. They also have unique holidays that commemorate important dates in Armenian history. Women all over Armenia are given flowers and gifts by their male relatives and colleagues. Armenian Independence Day is celebrated every year on September 21st. Tammy Krikorian Gabel, a third-generation Armenian American, has had enough practice to know.

New Year’s is a time when Armenians like to go all out. On the eve a solemn Candlelight Divine Liturgy is celebrated and on January 6 a solemn Divine Liturgy is celebrated. They also have salads, ttu (marinated vegetables), all kinds of cakes, dried fruits, and more. Armenian holidays are packed with traditions, as anyone who knows anything about the Armenian culture can imagine. Annual Armenian Christmas Luncheon – Soorp Khatch. Armenian Christmas Eve

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