It can be said that American English has the more economical and phonetic spelling. For example, the word ‘colour’ is spelt by the Americans as ‘color’. Also, our readers have added some amazing set of words and differences as comments, do read the comments to get more information. Here’s a list of various British words and expressions together with their American equivalents.

American English month/day/year ex.

Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson, If you are struggling with a lesson or an exercise post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare, British English and American English words vocabulary differences, Print the English lesson on the differences between British English and American English vocabulary. Prefixes and Suffixes in English! To print the lesson on learning the differences between British English and American English words. This page is intended as a guide only. and choose print. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. American English is the form of English used in the United States.

Some British English words come from French roots, while American English finds its words from other places, e.g. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. There are differences in spelling for some words between Americans and British.

Also, check out the some more words in this article : Common American English Words in daily life vs British Words — Part II . cupboard (in kitchen); closet (for clothes etc), highway, freeway, expressway, interstate highway, interstate, British English and American English words and spelling tips, Slang words - list A to Z English American and around the world, A list of British words from A to Z not used in the United States, A to Z list of British words from not used in the United States.

The British use bank as well. The Differences Between British And American Terms. What Are the Differences Between British and American English? It includes all English dialects used within the United States of America. Unnecessary letters are left out and words are spelled how they sound. Which of the following does a gricer like? The Differences Between British And American Terms. Here are some of the important differences between British and American English.

In addition, the British will say defense and practise but specifically as verbs, not nouns. It includes all English dialects used within the United States of America. Learn the definition, meaning, and …, Collocations in English! DATES. There are also many cases in which the two varieties of English use different terms to describe the same thing. Grammar It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom. British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. October 10 1984 2. Same sound words with same meaning, same word with different spelling, homophones in British English and American English, British English vs American English Words with Examples, Definitions for British English and American English.

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