A thank you also to Nancy, for sharing how she uses amaranth, makes amaranth flour and for her super simple amaranth bread recipe. Add tomato, scotch bonnet pepper and smoked paprika. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. The stems can be cut for greens several times as they sprout right back giving twice as many as before it was cut. Andrey Zharkikh / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.0. Amaranth flowers can look spectacular (depends on the variety).

Here are some more good reasons to grow amaranth plants: Most people I talk to have never heard of amaranth, yet amaranth is a leaf vegetable and grain that has been eaten for centuries all over the world.

TropicalPermaculture.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Do you know the flower Love Lies Bleeding? Root rot can be a problem in wet, dense soil or in periods where rainfalls are frequent and copious. Amaranth seeds have been used since ancient times in Central and Latin America and in the countries of the Himalayas. With their plentiful seeds, amaranth plants will readily self-seed in the garden. (Over 100,000!).

I also can't see myself getting into making my own amaranth flour or popping the seeds for cereal etc. When harvesting the leaves, make sure to leave the crown and some leaves around the top to continue growing. This malty type flavor can work with both sweet and savory dishes but I prefer to use it in combination, never as a standalone flour. That's one of the reasons it is an essential and ubiquitous plant in my permaculture garden. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until soft. To harvest grains, let the plant go all the way to flower. The same goes for the gomphrena (bachelor's button) and celosia (cock's comb or woolflower) species. At the same time, they need enough space to provide good air circulation. Copyright © 2007-var d=new Date() As they sprout, thin the plants out to a spacing of 10 to 18 inches. TropicalPermaculture.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. It's well worth the effort, I say.

With a simple wire bowl shake they are ready for any preparation.

Harvest leaf amaranth whenever you like. The greens are edible leafy vegetables and nutritious. We use this to "wrap" our veggies cold or tear it to dunk in our veggie stews or soups. You can use the young stems as well. Beyond the seed, amaranth is also grown for its greens, which are used in many cuisines and can be cooked like other leafy greens. And I eat all of them.

Amaranth leaves are used across Asia. But it isn't as fussed as spinach or silverbeet would be. Put the amaranth in a pot with the liquid and cook on medium until the liquid is absorbed. Or twenty times more calcium and seven times more iron than lettuce, which simply isn't all that nutritious. Amaranth grains are especially good in a porridge that also contains other grains, such as millet and quinoa. They are nevertheless correct! Ok, harvest it as early as you like and definitely before it flowers.

The Amaranthus genus is a complicated one, featuring at least 75 annual and perennial species that easily cross-breed and hybridize. Amaranth is not related to the Graminae, the real grains.

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